OT- a deal that shouldn't be passed up

I read a while ago in the Odd News on Yahoo that Kenyan Councilman Godwin Kipkemoi Chepkurgor offered 40 goats and 2 cows for the hand of Chelsea Clinton in marriage about five years ago.

He must be desperate. I don't think she could be worth more than a couple pigs and a rat, but only if they offer change back.


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Budd Cochran
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This is pretty low Budd and shows a complete lack of class. What Did Chelsea do to you or anybody else for that matter? And you of all people who claims that family should be kept out of things. If you don't like Bill or Hillary fine, make your jokes about them since they are both public figures in politics but have some class man and leave their daughter out of it.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, same ole Democreep double standard. How soon the liberal looney Democraps forget how Kerry made an issue in the presidential campaign of Cheney's daughter being a lesbian. How about when Heinz-Kerry lied and accused Laura Bush of *never* having to work for a living? Now that was REALLY Democrap hypocrisy, since Heinz-Kerry inherited all her money from her husband Senator Heinz. Moreover, Laura Bush taught for many years in the Texas public school system Hit the road T-Bone, and take your double standard Democreep hypocrisy with you. Has your Democreep party come up with a plan for Iraq yet? Nevermind, the Democrap plan is to cut and run, while letting Coward Dean rant & rave, like the lunatic he is. YEAH, T-bone, have some class, leave Cheney's daughter out of it. John "purple hearts" Kerry, my ass!

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Democreeps SUCK

Oh, for crying out loud, Tom. Get off you high horse and enjoy a simple joke about a celebrity. And yes, she is a celebritry . . .One time First Daughter and all that.


This is pretty low Budd and shows a complete lack of class. What Did Chelsea do to you or anybody else for that matter? And you of all people who claims that family should be kept out of things. If you don't like Bill or Hillary fine, make your jokes about them since they are both public figures in politics but have some class man and leave their daughter out of it.

Reply to
Budd Cochran

LOL, another asshole shows how stupid he really is.

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No, she was the daughter of a pair of celebrities and unlike our current presidents daughters, kept herself for the most part out of the limelight. What is the exact motivation for this "joke" anyway Budd since she hasn't been the "first daughter" for 5 years now. Could it be that the republican party is screwing the pooch and may lose control at the next election? If so, then it is pretty low to take your bitterness out on someone's daughter and this was not a joke, it is an attack on her worth, you do know that, right Mr. religion.

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Typical liberal Democreep, when confronted with factual material, they resort to name calling.

"How can you tell when a liberal is losing an argument? They resort to name calling." == Rush Limbaugh

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Democreeps SUCK

Oh my, lets take a closer look at this latest T-bone tantrum. Now T-bone drags Bush's daughters into it. More hypocrisy, more double standard. And what is "screwing the pooch" and "lose control."? Is that the Democreep party plan for getting us out of Iraq? Please do explain more. The Democrat party is invested in the defeat of America. They are the party of Doom & Gloom, Negativism, & Pessimism, the party totally devoid of any ideas. A party whose sole motivation is the hatred of Bush. John "purple heart" Kerry my ass.

Reply to
Democreeps SUCK

Funny then, how you started with the name calling, isn't it. Even your BS handle and faked posting info are name calling, LOL!

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Oh puleeeeeeeeeze T-bone, now your veering the whole discussion away from your own hypocrisy, another classic Democreep tactic.

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Democreeps SUCK

Not at all, that would be you. Funny how you are doing everything that you accuse the democrats of doing. I guess that we know the real truth now.

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Lacking anythng of substance to say, T-bone psychobabbles on. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Reply to
Democreeps SUCK

Tantrum, LOL, perhaps you should read you own first post.

Oh, I see, it's ok to say anything about a democrat but even the mention of a republican must be some left wing hate attack, LOL.

Yes, from you.

Killing the middle class and about to lose some seats in the next election.

Well, the Republishitcans got us in there without a plan, clue, or even the required equipment for our troops so perhaps it will take the Democreeps to get us out without the needless loss of another 1000 + troops.

I would but it is obvious that you wouldn't be unable to understand.


No, more like a party more grounded in reality.

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Reply to
Democreeps SUCK

IOW, another s*****ad that can't back up their own arguments, Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Bye Loser

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Ok, now you stepped over the line. A religious remark aimed squarely at me, and for no reason. Now it's documented that you threw the first flame. Never will you be able to claim innocence again, Tom.

But I'm not playing your game, Tom. Go play your game with someone else.


TBone Dec 15, 10:27 am hide options

Newsgroups: alt.autos.dodge.trucks From: "TBone" - Find messages by this author Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 17:27:29 GMT Local: Thurs, Dec 15 2005 10:27 am Subject: Re: OT- a deal that shouldn't be passed up Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse

No, she was the daughter of a pair of celebrities and unlike our current presidents daughters, kept herself for the most part out of the limelight. What is the exact motivation for this "joke" anyway Budd since she hasn't been the "first daughter" for 5 years now. Could it be that the republican party is screwing the pooch and may lose control at the next election? If so, then it is pretty low to take your bitterness out on someone's daughter and this was not a joke, it is an attack on her worth, you do know that, right Mr. religion.

Reply to
Budd Cochran

"Well, the Republishitcans got us in there without a plan, clue, or even the required equipment for our troops so perhaps it will take the Democreeps to get us out without the needless loss of another 1000 + troops. "

Uh, Tom, not a flame, but a word of advice . . .think before you get so upset about the word "Democreeps"


Reply to
Budd Cochran

I am not upset about the word Democreep, I even used it in my reply. Did the word "Republishitcans" upset you, it seems so.

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Now this is really funny. It was a joke Budd, and a much less offensive one than the one you posted about Miss Clinton. Why is it ok for you to say whatever you want to about anybody you want to (as long as they are on the left) but if anyone says anything about you or anyone on the right, it is just a vicious attack for no reason. Funny how you didn't bother to answer any of my questions though, I guess that you can't but that's ok, subject dropped.

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Nope, if you're happy, I'm happy. I just thought you'd made a typo.


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Budd Cochran

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