More power to the police in high speed pursuit

Here's a clue... get rid of parental government. Keep treating people like children, slaves, and/or prisoners and they will continue to behave like such.

How did I know you'd bring that up that old thread to try to save your ass in this thread. Of course you got it entirely wrong just as you did then, your own made up crap is what you consider reality. Anyway, what really happened was someone brought up something similiar so I thought I would relate... wouldn't have mentioned it otherwise. But you had to step in and start being the asshole that you are. This is the here and now, why don't you try in stay in it? Nahh... why do that when you can keep the same crap you were doing 5 years ago going? you can't even stay on the topic, you had to make it a personal love it or leave excerise and find whatever you can to attack. Just another dumb bully who hasn't grown out of the 5th grade.

Why don't you control freaks pick up and move to China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, or any number of police states and theoracies around the world where society is tightly controlled if that's what you like. The USA is the only nation that is even supposed to respect invidual liberty. I am in the right place, it's you that's in the wrong one, mr love it or leave it. I love what the USA is supposed to be, why do you want to make it into something else, something I hate, while that can be found elsewhere and all you need to do is move?

I see the big picture.... this is just a tiny aspect of it. You want to live in a controlled third world police state? Well, you're going to get one unless people take action damn soon to make the USA change direction.

Reply to
Brent P
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:>> sincerely, :>>

:>> John Corzine. :>

:>Not bad... Just out of the hospital, and taking a little break up in :>Pawtucket?

Cranston. Slightly less of a shithole than Pawtucket.

Reply to
Sarah Czepiel

The fact that you misunderstand just about everything myself and others say to you tells me you are essentially doomed to lead a miserable life. You were born as a statistic and that's the way you'll die. In the meantime, go read Lord of the Flies.

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It is you that misunderstand, mr. grade school bully. What I have been saying is so far beyond your comprehension, so far beyond your understanding, that all you can do is lash out. That's the thing about a grade school bully, he lashes out with insults and violence because he cannot comprehend what the others do. Why are you so insecure that you need to have controls placed on others and decisions made for yourself?

You're a lower vibration, stuck with the understanding of grunt, of a thug. By force and fear you think others can be made to behave the way you want. Oddly, that's exactly how a terrorist thinks. That through application of force, a fear develops causing others to behave and create the restrictions the terrorist wants.

We've been doing things this simplistic grunt way for decades, and when it comes to traffic, it clearly isn't working. It's time to try something new. But you think you can just rachet up the fear a little more, increase the state's ability to control people and it will get better. Nope. It will just make matters worse.

Reply to
Brent P

I want to control your mind, Brent. I want you to understand that you are trapped in a world that has no utopia. There is nowhere to go. You are amongst the grovelling minions who MUST do what I and those like me say. Close your eyes and see us both at the playground, Bret. I tower over you, and I laugh when I make you pull down your shorts and sit on the hot metal slide. I won't let you up until I'm done kicking sand in your face. Feel it, Brent? Hot, stinging sand. In your eyes, in your mouth, in your nose. I'm laughing, Bret, because there are just so many like you that must do as I say and there is no end to my enjoyment. Your tears run a trail through the dust on your face and drop onto a lap devoid of the hair of man. Tis a wonderful day, the sobbing and choking and the stench of seared flesh.

You will see this picture every time you encounter authority, Bret. From the cop who demands your license to your boss who demands you show up on time to the cashier who demands you pay for your groceries. They all put you in your place. Bottom rung. Servile. We are all out to feel empowered by the whimpering that emanates from clenched lips. The picture will always be there. Hot sand, shorts at your ankles, yellow puddle.

It's there forever. In your mind, right up front. It itches from inside. You can feel it eating away at you even when you try not to think about it. It has substance. It has aggression. It was meant to devour. You cannot ever be at peace with that picture in your head. When you wake up, you taste the playground grit in your teeth. You pick at the pus-filled scabs on your buttocks. You've got to kill it, Bret. You can't be happy until you stop it from eating away at you. But how? It's inside your head. You need to stab it, over and over. YOU are the boss and you won't have this thing festering in you any more.

That's it, stab it. You have an ice pick in the kitchen, don't you, Bret? I'm in your head; the only way out is to kill me. Think of it. No more laughing at your pitiful existence. You can free yourself. Freedom. You want it. You deserve it. No, it is your right.

Go get the ice pick, Bret. Go get it now.

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Sometimes it's nice to get into these discussions with you, but in the end, it becomes boring because you are right and the rest of the world is wrong. EVERY society needs structure and controls. Even the most basic society in the Amazon jungle has them. It's what makes it possible to get along with their neighbors. But you want no restrictions placed on anything which involves you. It's all about "you". I have a 3 year old granddaughter who is the same way. She even resorts to the same kind of response as the one you just gave (above). At 3 she knows it all and is smarter than everyone else. I think the difference is that she will grow up and see reality.

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When you actually understand what I wrote, let me know.

Reply to
Brent P

Gee, had that already, thanks.

Yes, because only in the USA is personal liberty even supposed to be respected.

Um. no.

You can't even cut and paste my name properly.

Doubtful. I've been the tallest since I started school. If you're taller than me, you should consider a career in the NBA.

Blah blah blah blah blah. So at least you admit it. Now you can seek treatment. Until then, you're just another insecure asshole behind a keyboard who can't even use his own name.

You're good at making up bullshit, BTW, who's bret?

tisk tisk... well at least you're showing the world once again the asshole that you are. Who's Bret btw?

Who's Bret?

Anyway I can understand through all this projection what you feel. Your insecurities. That inability to grasp the simple concepts that has dogged you since the day you started school. Such a small mind. You just can't grasp anything more than force and punishment.

You're a low vibration, an ape with the ability to type. Hell, that's probably an insult to an ape.

You don't understand things so you need others to make decisions for you, make rules for you. Punish you when you don't obey. That's why you speak of coming into work on time, because you didn't have the brains to get to a point where you could have a job that wasn't about punching in on time. Those menial jobs the school bullies always ended up with. Well, the ones that didn't become cops where they could put their bullying skills to a profession.

Oh well... this has grown tiresome, and you're a waste of time because you, like your buddy spike just don't have the mental ability to grasp the basic concepts.

Google 85th percentile method, read MUTCD... if it's not too far beyond you, maybe you might be able to learn and improve your condition.

Reply to
Brent P

That's my name for you. Don't question it.

Why ruin a good thing? If it works for lab rats, it'll work for you.

See, you're stuck on that playground.

The essence of paranoia is the belief that your viewpoint negates virtually every other one that does not coincide. Take away that condition and suddenly you lack validation as a consummate whiner.

LOL! You are way too easy.

Hey, since you think you're so smart , why don't YOU write down your idea of a great place for you to live, Bret? Then, do some research and see what place on Earth matches it. Here's a hint: you better find somewhere, otherwise that ice pick is going to be your only choice.

Shake the sand out of your undies and get crackin'!

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Again "wrongo". So little you know of the world.

Perhaps it's better to be an asshole than a whole ass...

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Nobody understands what you wrote EXCEPT you... although a good shrink might be able to interpret your concepts. Might even make something out of the fact that your only responses were to repeatedly say "strawman". Might as well have said 'neener neener neener'... or like the kid on the playground... 'you... you... you... that's what you are!'. Considering that the world is not going to change for you, I hope the meds work for you.

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Guess you missed the post where someone else tried to explain it to you.

When you don't have facts, use insults.

It's not my fault that you have the intelligence of a dog and only understand orders, rules, and punishment. Google up 85th percentile method. Google up the MUTCD. These are actually codified into many state laws as requirements to follow. However government often does not follow the law.

Silly me, I just want the speed limits to be set by an accepted engineering practice that uses real world data as required by law.

You just want people to follow orders. You don't care if those orders make sense, you don't even care if they are lawful, you don't even care if the majority of people refuse to. To you, it's just a question of obedence of authority. Sad.

Reply to
Brent P

So many others have tried and failed, maybe it's my turn...

Once again, you're missing the point. That point being reality.

Preach all you want about how things "should" be (irrelevant to the discussion), but at the end of the day you still come up against reality.

SHOULD speed limits be readdressed? Sure. SHOULD the majority determine what those speeds should be? Not necessarily, but probably better than an arbitrary number.

But... oh, there's that reality again.

Speed limits are posted. In paint. Not like a temporary road sign that can change from one minute to the next, but painted.

You can look at that big 55 and grumble all day, but it's still going to read 55.

And here's the deal - we all KNOW that it's 55 and a lot of us choose to exceed that limit. A lot of us. Doesn't make it legal, doesn't give me any grounds to contest a speeding ticket if I get one. We know the game, and if we choose to play and lose, that's just too bad.

EVERY CAR ON THE HIGHWAY could be doing 75mph, but if YOU get singled out of the herd and pulled over for speeding, that's on you.

Now go back to your preaching. Or make a donation to an organization that aims to change the reality. Better yet, run for public office and see if you can change things yourself. Hell, I'll make a small donation to YOUR campaign.

Me? My driving record is clean and clear. And, no, I don't always adhere to the speed limit. And on those days, years ago, when I DID get a speeding ticket, I didn't complain. I knew the rules, I knew the risks. I lost the game that day.

Come to think of it... how do I know that I want YOU going faster than 55, anyway? We all know what a joke drivers' tests are in this country.


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Actually, BrentP, I do not care if you follow the rules of society or not. That's your choice. What I do care about is all the inncoent people who may ride with you, or share the road with you. Those are the people who end up suffering due to the arrogance of people like you. You think you know more and know better than evceryone else. That kind of attitude leads to accidents. While you may avoid the accident, it may just be your conduct which causes it. And it's the cops, firemen, ambulance crews, etc who have to clean up the mess you may have made. But your attitude will probably be, that they should not have been allowed on the road... that it is their fault they didn't know you were right and they were wrong. And I will feel sorry for them, but I will pity you.

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Well put Dwight. Proably won't do any good, but a good try.

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The 85th precentile works wonderfully in reality. Actually, speed derestricted interstates work extremely well in reality. I've driven some of them.

Why don't you get on a plane to Germany, rent a car and drive around on /// autobahn and even speed limited autobahn and surface streets for awhile. After you do that excerise, get back to me about reality.

Reality... you mean the reality where people ignore the posted speed limit and drive an appropiate speed for the road anyway? What's wrong with making reality legal? It's the underposted speed limit that's denying reality.

Yet it doesn't reflect the reality of the road. People are driving 75+mph day in and day out without issue. And not just some people nearly all of them. In fact, the percentage driving that 55mph posted speed limit or less is statistically no different from zero in free flowing traffic. Even blue haired old ladies are exceeding it with good margin in their buicks. Some of them might think it's still 1968 and the speed limit is 75....

So you accept the premise of the 'game'. A game of roadside taxation. It doesn't bother you that you have a choice of increasing your risk of a collision while decreasing your risk of a ticket or increasing your risk of a ticket but decreasing your risk of a collision. You just accept it. That's apathy.

Here's a big hint for you, I am not whining about a speeding ticket. Haven't had a speeding ticket in YEARS.

The fact is, by defining nearly everyone as a violator, it creates more _SAFETY_ problems, not less, than just setting the speed limit appropiately. Of of those safety issues being pulling people over for road side taxation may cause someone to make poor decisions that otherwise wouldn't be made. It just turned someone who was driving in quite an ordinary and acceptably safe manner into a hazard.

Here we go again... the 'run for office' routine. Which side of the effective single party do you think will take me? What law am I going to change exactly? Well I suppose in IL there is that old NMSL speed cap law... but that's about all there is. It's already the law that local and state governments follow the MUTCD. Most of what I want -already IS law-, government simply doesn't follow it. But since apathetic types like you won't fight tickets that are illegal under the law, it just stands and the system rolls on. They put up red light cameras on intersections with underlying problems that don't comply with the MUTCD, shorten the yellow timing even further, making the intersection's traffic control devices clearly out of compliance with the law that demands the MUTCD be followed and you just shrug your shoulders, 'that's the game, law is the law'.

They are preying upon your ignorance, the collective ignorance of the people. I am trying to give you an education... but no... you embrace the ignorance. You like being fleeced. Even if the RLC doesn't get you, when you slam on the brakes because of that short yellow and someon rear ends you, you're still fleeced.

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I AM NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT A SPEEDING TICKET. Are you just clueless? You want to play to game. I don't think I should have to choose between my safety and being singled out for a ticket. Here:

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Notice, those are -government- websites. Even they know that driving a couple standard deviations below the mean speed is dangerous, yet it's often what one has to do to be legal. And you don't have a problem with it.... it's just the game...

You don't get it either. Are you all trained like dogs? You just think the whole thing is about the 'system' and obedence to it? Are you that clueless? Why isn't the government following the law? Isn't there any outrage about the government not following the vehicle code that in many states mandates following the MUTCD or even goes a step further codifying speed studies and the 85th percentile method into the law itself rather than just relying on it from the MUTCD? Why is that we must obey the law but the government doesn't?

Is that another point of your apathy? Where you just accept a lawless government because that's reality? How much lawlessness are you going to accept? How long are you going to just sit there before you have some degree of outrage at something? The violations of the vehicle code is just the tip of this iceberg of the things governments in the USA do that are against the law and probably some of the most minor. So, since you accept that, where's your limit?

Maybe some day you're off to buy to your dream mustang and the buyer only takes cash.... you get pulled over... maybe you didn't even do anything wrong... or maybe it's just one of those checkpoints. The cops want to search your car and since you're a good citizen with nothing to hide you let them. They find the cash and take it as illegal drug proceeds. They don't charge you with anything, they just take the cash. That's the law these days.... You can mount a legal fight to get your cash back and accept the costs as part of 'the game'... or do you just shrug your shoulders and go 'oh well, that's reality'?

Reply to
Brent P

How is it do you think how I drive that endangers anyone, and what is your evidence of that?

How do you figure? Because I've researched the topic of how to set a speed limit properly? Well those other people may not have read the studies, but they are already driving the speed I think the speed limit should be posted. My presence on most roads might slow them down for a bit as I am driving the posted limit. Their tailgating certainly does cause a danger, but I cannot control that without being violation of the speed limit. There are certainly dangers caused by my legal driving, because the posted speed limit and those who decided upon it are so out of touch with reality, but you've been saying I should obey the posted speed limit....

What driving behavior do you think I do that will lead to an accident? Driving the posted speed limit is the only one I can think of. It's like being a big rock in the river. But if I exceeded the posted speed limit like practically everyone else, then I wouldn't be obeying it, as you think I should. So which is it? Do I obey the posted limit and be a hazard or disobey and not be? Make up your mind already.

You have a flare for making stuff up. Where's your evidence? Oh that's it, you don't have any. You have to make up all these wild accusations because you just cannot accept the fact the government is not following the law, not following safest and best practice.

Reply to
Brent P

BUT they do not get involved with how fast their members travel through the jungle, for safety or any other thinly veiled reasons...

You are comparing apples to oranges. A primitive society in the Amazon is not top heavy with a bunch of useless leaches, who waste their time and the rest of their people's time with a bunch of useless meaningless "laws" with at best "revenue generation" as their only reason for existence..

If you want to argue against a sound position, you might do well to disengage your nose from that idiots (has he finally tired of all his private lap dogs and their brown noses? Has his narcissistic need to bully others finely driven him back from his drunken self indulgent stupor? I guess everyone eventually does grow tired of his pathetic flapping around attempting to flex his nonexistent intellectual prowess. Well that did last longer than I expected) nether region and actually respond to the "opposing position".

You may want to start here. "A Study for the Selection of Maximum Speed Limits." October 1970. Four (4) volumes, prepared for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), U.S. Dept. of Transportation, by the Indiana University's Institute for Research in Public Safety. IRPS report number FH-11-7275; Volume II is also federally numbered as PB 197 374, and DOD HS-800 379.

Did you actually have an argument for artificially low speed limits with only 2 reasons for existence, revenue generation, and the opportunity for a otherwise nonexistent excuse to stop citizens that would otherwise be "unstoppable"? Because your 3 year old granddaughter aside, nothing you have presented in you opposing posts has even actually addressed the topic "ARTIFICIALLY LOW SPEED LIMITS" directly..

It's what makes it

Reply to
My Name Is Nobody

I understand perfectly what he wrote, and you would too if you took a breath and read it again. He wrote about his opposition to artificially low speed limits, (a real live issue/position based in fact and backed by actual studies, Google it) and every one of your "opposing replies" has simply not addressed that topic.

Maybe it would serve you well to concentrate more on the actual topic (again, ARTIFICIALLY LOW SPEED LIMITS) and a little less on the One-upmanship.

Reply to
My Name Is Nobody

You really expect any police to "PROTECT" you from ANYTHING ever? Some are quite good at investigating, but protecting? Even the US Supreme Court has ruled that the police are NOT responsible for your "PROTECTION". Boy lets just hope you are never actually put into a position to learn how misguided that mistaken belief is...

Reply to
My Name Is Nobody

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