The Gremlin still gripping my 80 280ZX

Hey guys

WEll got another ECU for the car. STill the same problem. Simon and i were sitting here, revving it , and noticed it would Idle beautifully most of the time, and would rev, but wouldnt sustain revs very long. (in park BTW)

We pondered the Cat Converter as was suggested, and were about ready to see abut taking it off.

We got to thinking: The guy said he replaced the fuel pump, and we wondered if maybe he replaced it with a too low flow pump. Or, if he replaced it with a proper one, if the fuel lines still had that rust problem in them (rusty gas) if even a new pump would not have helped of the lines are still dirty.

If that is the case, two questions arise:

1: how easy is it to replace the lines, and how cheap?

2: If it is because there is still rust in the gas tank and it is impedeing the flow of fuel, how hard is it to drop the tank and clean it?


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Nicodemus Telrenner
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Nicodemus Telrenner

Did anyone suggest to change the fuel filter first? A plugged filter will allow enough gas to idle but starve the engine when gross amounts are needed. It's much cheaper to try that first before the fuel pump. And it should be done anyway.


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WEll we figure it will be a several weekend affair. i think it is that bad thuogh. PErsonally, i want to by a new one. Dont trust relining stuff. That bodes a question:

Does anyone KNOW where i can buy a tank?

I WANT ONE OF THOSE!!! Have always kinda drooled over the AWD talons :-) They are pretty bulletproof little sportcars (so i heard) Though cosemtically i hear they didnt fair really well (started looking saggy really quick as they got older, especially the interier)

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Nicodemus Telrenner

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