"Factory" driving lights...

$425 from Scion, $305 on E-Bay.

I used these:

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Of course, about 5 weeks ago as I was throwing out stuff I figured I'd NEVER use again, I told the guy with the dump truck: Wait. In about one month I'm going looking for something I'm throwing away today.

Sure enough, in order to mount this lighting kit, I could have used some brackets I threw away that day. I wound up making mounting brackets to get the clearance needed.

Believe me, I did NOT want to cut the lower grille! I measured, fitted, measured and fitted again and finally got out a fine-cut hack saw blade and started cutting. If I can tomorrow or so, I'll post a pic in another group.

It took about an hour to decide where to mount them. I was going to use the pop-out they put in the 'vent' for brake cooling, but it was too tight. It took about 20 minutes (including hesitation) to cut the top lip from the grille. It took an hour and a half to measure, mark, remeasure and get the courage to drill the front facia to mount my custom brackets, and then another hour to position the lamp and get it straight. Another 15 minutes with the hack saw blade in my hand before actually beginning to cut, and another 20 minutes to mount the light permanently and trim the grille.

The other side took about 45 minutes total. The look is almost as good as factory. To someone who just saw a Factory foglight mouting and mine in passing, they'd never know the difference!

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