<OT!> Home Alone, Day One <OT!>

Around 1982 or so, just before de-regulation whereby one could hook up one's own telephone equipment to the system, and the 'option-to-purchase' came into effect, the telephone company took away my great-aunt's old telephone. I was some pissed off when I went to visit her not long after that announcement was made and I saw a gleeming new black phone in place of the old cast bakelite unit she had since the house was built in 1932. It was a regular dial phone, alright, but with the chrome dial, black-on-white enamel numbers with a red 0, and the nickel bands around both ends of the receiver. I asked her why she got a new phone, and she said, "They came around one day and said they'll change it for free". I asked her if is was working okay, and she said yes, so I asked why the hell did she let them in!! If it was me, I would NOT have let them in to change it. I would have stalled them until the plan became 'official', and then showed them the receipt the next time they came around. I really wanted to give her the $12.00 to buy that phone off Edmonton Telephones which was what the buyout for a 'basic black set' would have cost.


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Craig Parslow
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Man, that is an oldie, but a goody.... I have an Edison C150 disc player, but an Amberola predates that by a bit... Jeff

Reply to
Jeff Rice

I have a very rare recording of Melba and Caruso that could drive the neighbors nutz...


Reply to
Grumpy AuContraire

I still have to bring my Amerberola if you want to hear the tunes I got! Edison's cylinders and Victrola's 78's are NOT compatable!!! BTW, If its too loud for your ears, you can stuff a rag or two in the speaker. Its the only way to control the volume of a cranked Amberola.


Reply to
Craig Parslow

I don't need no stinkin' rags, I can just close one or both doors on the Victrolla.

Reply to
Dave Lester

The Amberola 30 was the "Model T" of phonographs. There were thousands made; and were priced low enough so that nearly everyone could afford one. Hence, you won't find any sophistacated, state-of-the-art volume controls like little doors on the front on mine.

Craig Parslow

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Craig Parslow

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