Paint...Your supposed to put paint on them?

Well, Sis and Mum broke my tradition and painted Jay- Lo....spose now I'll have to paint Percy and Morph....

What do you think


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Nice finish to and it was applied by brush.


-- Project Percy - Jaguar 4.2 and Auto in to Series IIa 88 see it @

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101Ambi '76 / IIa - Percy '64 / Rangie TD '90 hall of fame -

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Looks great, What paint did you use?.


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Stephen Hull

Mum and Sis have to take the credit... I just did some fillering and the bodywork / welding.

They used Paddocks Synthetic Enamel Coach paint.... 9.50 a litre not inc VAT. Used just under two tins (2 litres) having primered it first with Paddocks undercoat grey.

I'll pass on the comments, Sis will be well impressed!

The rest of the stuff we've done on it's here.

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I'm begining to think possibly I'm in the wrong job as I took great pleaseure in doing this Landie, though that may be because I wasn't having to shell out on the spares etc.


Lee D

-- Project Percy - Jaguar 4.2 and Auto in to Series IIa 88 see it @

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101Ambi '76 / IIa - Percy '64 / Rangie TD '90 hall of fame -

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All great stuff Lee, Keep it up ;)


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Stephen Hull

On or around Fri, 22 Aug 2003 18:38:40 +0000 (UTC), Stephen Hull enlightened us thusly:

does, doesn't it? Must finish mine. so far I've put primer on the new wing and the rear door, after a bit of attention to the latter where it had been poorly filled before.

will have a go today. to flamin' hot for the paint I've got (Q-coat synthetic enamel, intended for tractors...) which dries almost before you get it out of the tin.

Reply to
Austin Shackles

Hi Lee

Great job keep it up.

Reply to
Kay Mawby

On or around Mon, 25 Aug 2003 11:39:27 +0000 (UTC), Stephen Hull enlightened us thusly:

by the time I get to the point of putting a top coat on it, it'll be cooler again anyway...

it's now got the front half in the new colour primer, back half (behind the driver's seat) still grey, except for the back door.

will get around to the rear half one day... then some nice fine W&D to polish out any imperfections in primer coat, and I can start with the topcoat. Dunno what the solvent in this stuff is, but it' s mighty quick-drying, or the primer is anyway. Today, on a pretty warm day but not really hot, it's touch dry in about 15 minutes...

I don't think it admits to what the solvent is. 's not cellulose, definitely, and white spirit makes no impression on the brushes... tin of thinners just says "harmful" (along with the usual stuff about not drinking it, and seek medical attention, and do not induce vomiting), without specifying what it is - unless 1263 means anything... wonder what the paint itself says... hmmm. 's all in foreign.

the primer says Xylene, the gloss says Naphta and other things I can't translate.

Reply to
Austin Shackles

You can always add upto 10% thinners as an alternative to speed up the application time slightly.

I think the synthetic Quartz paint is an alkyd resin base that has a lower gloss rate more like 60% IIRC. The thinning agent is supposed to be white spirit and the surface is usually touch dry in about two hours, Fifteen minutes it a bit too quick even in this weather.

Xylene is present in celluose and twin pack paints maybe it's also present in synthetics?. Naphtha is often used instead of turpentine because it evaporates much faster than turps which is probably why cheaper or faster drying paints commonly use it. It would certainly explain the problem your experiencing with fast drying.

I think 1263 is a classification or shipping name used for paint related materials, The paint tin should have something like UN 1263 which is used for identification purposes in transportation packing etc.


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Stephen Hull

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