Brokeback Mounties(OT)

WTF is this world coming to,I was cooking breakfast at work this morning ,when I opened the paper I suddenly lost my appetite The

Reply to
Robert Black
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Reply to
John Poulos

Isn't this more a matter of putting the foot in the other shoe?

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Isn't this more a matter of putting the foot in the other shoe?

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It is like the urge I have experienced a few times to kill or hurt another person who desperately deserved it, but I chose not to do it since it was wrong. I have experienced the urge to have sex with a woman other than my wife just a few times, but I chose not to do it, as tempting as it was, because it was wrong. We all have to make our choices & decide what is right or wrong. I am glad I don't carry that burden. Few who give in to that lifestyle have truely happy, long-term satisfying relationships, and many die young, fight depression or use alcohol& drugs. God made Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve.

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Barry, I know only two pairs, and both have been together since before I met them, years ago. You don't often hear about the planes that land safely, but you sure hear about those that crash.


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Reply to
Robert Black

With all due respect sir, your post below belies a significant ignorance on the matter. Please do not take this as an insult; a person can not be faulted for their lack of knowledge and exposure to a particular subject. What they CAN be faulted for, however, is willful ignorance.

If you made an effort to learn about from homosexuality from homosexuals, you'd come to understand that homosexuality is not a "choice" that one "gives in to." Rather, it is a result of both environmental AND/OR genetic factors (this is not opinion; this is established, accepted, scientific fact), rather than conscious decision to "be like that."

I would encourage you to educate yourself a bit more about homosexuality from sources OUTSIDE your apparent religious convictions. To make a more appropriate analogy: Would YOU believe a book about Studebaker automobiles was credible if said book was written by an import tuner who's only knowledge of our cars was what his fellow ricers told him? Or, what would you think if you heard some 17-year-old ricer told you "old cars" are all weak, slow, and unreliable?

That said, this is a forum for the discussion of our Studebaker cars and trucks, not for discussion of theo-socio-political topics. Given people's volatility with such subjects, I heartily disapprove of posts like Mr. Black's; I feel they are in very poor form, and should be saved for another forum where such discussion is appropriate.


Barry wrote:

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I believe you missed my point. I do not claim to be an expert on the subject of homosexuality or what causes it, but one thing I am certain of is that while people have no control over what they may think of doing, we are all able to choose to act upon those urges. I know self-professed alcoholics who have not touched a drink in decades, because they choose not to. The overwhelming majority of Catholic priests & nuns deny their physical urges for a lifetime. Though I admire their devotion, it is not something I would do. I am glad I do not have to carry either burden and do not oppose those who have different temptations than I have. Live and die as you please and I do not care-it is between you & your Maker. Just don't tell me that you have no choice about it. Too many people control their desires for you to say that.

Your ANAL-ogy is a bit flawed. I agree that the best info on anything is that published by it maker, and that goes for people also! If you use your car or your body for a purpose other than that intended by the maker, you are going to have problems!

PS- you DO know what "OT" means, don't you?

-- Barry'd in Studes

58 Packard Hawk 40 President 39 Coupe Exp. 59 DeLuxe 1/2 tn. 56 Packard "400"
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SW50ZXJlc3RpbmcsIGJ1dCB3aGlsZSB5b3UgbWF5IGJlIHRvbGVyYW50IG9mIG90aGVyJ3MgImdl bmV0aWMgZmFjdG9ycyIsIEkgc3VnZ2VzdCB5b3UgcmUtcmVhZCB5b3VyIGNvbW1lbnRzIGFib3V0 ICJyaWNlcnMiLiAgU2VlbXMgaW4gc29tZSBjaXJjbGVzIGl0J3MgYSBkaXNwYXJhZ2luZyByYWNp YWwgdGVybS4gIExPTCANCg0KIkR1dGNoIiA8ZHV0Y2hAbm9zcGFtLm5ldD4gd3JvdGUgaW4gbWVz c2FnZSBuZXdzOmU0amJpczAxa2JvQG5ld3MyLm5ld3NndXkuY29tLi4uDQo+IFdpdGggYWxsIGR1 ZSByZXNwZWN0IHNpciwgeW91ciBwb3N0IGJlbG93IGJlbGllcyBhIHNpZ25pZmljYW50IGlnbm9y YW5jZSANCj4gb24gdGhlIG1hdHRlci4gUGxlYXNlIGRvIG5vdCB0YWtlIHRoaXMgYXMgYW4gaW5z dWx0OyBhIHBlcnNvbiBjYW4gbm90IGJlIA0KPiBmYXVsdGVkIGZvciB0aGVpciBsYWNrIG9mIGtu b3dsZWRnZSBhbmQgZXhwb3N1cmUgdG8gYSBwYXJ0aWN1bGFyIA0KPiBzdWJqZWN0LiBXaGF0IHRo ZXkgQ0FOIGJlIGZhdWx0ZWQgZm9yLCBob3dldmVyLCBpcyB3aWxsZnVsIGlnbm9yYW5jZS4NCj4g DQo+IElmIHlvdSBtYWRlIGFuIGVmZm9ydCB0byBsZWFybiBhYm91dCBmcm9tIGhvbW9zZXh1YWxp dHkgZnJvbSANCj4gaG9tb3NleHVhbHMsIHlvdSdkIGNvbWUgdG8gdW5kZXJzdGFuZCB0aGF0IGhv bW9zZXh1YWxpdHkgaXMgbm90IGEgDQo+ICJjaG9pY2UiIHRoYXQgb25lICJnaXZlcyBpbiB0by4i IFJhdGhlciwgaXQgaXMgYSByZXN1bHQgb2YgYm90aCANCj4gZW52aXJvbm1lbnRhbCBBTkQvT1Ig Z2VuZXRpYyBmYWN0b3JzICh0aGlzIGlzIG5vdCBvcGluaW9uOyB0aGlzIGlzIA0KPiBlc3RhYmxp c2hlZCwgYWNjZXB0ZWQsIHNjaWVudGlmaWMgZmFjdCksIHJhdGhlciB0aGFuIGNvbnNjaW91cyBk ZWNpc2lvbiANCj4gdG8gImJlIGxpa2UgdGhhdC4iDQo+IA0KPiBJIHdvdWxkIGVuY291cmFnZSB5 b3UgdG8gZWR1Y2F0ZSB5b3Vyc2VsZiBhIGJpdCBtb3JlIGFib3V0IGhvbW9zZXh1YWxpdHkgDQo+ IGZyb20gc291cmNlcyBPVVRTSURFIHlvdXIgYXBwYXJlbnQgcmVsaWdpb3VzIGNvbnZpY3Rpb25z LiBUbyBtYWtlIGEgbW9yZSANCj4gYXBwcm9wcmlhdGUgYW5hbG9neTogV291bGQgWU9VIGJlbGll dmUgYSBib29rIGFib3V0IFN0dWRlYmFrZXIgDQo+IGF1dG9tb2JpbGVzIHdhcyBjcmVkaWJsZSBp ZiBzYWlkIGJvb2sgd2FzIHdyaXR0ZW4gYnkgYW4gaW1wb3J0IHR1bmVyIA0KPiB3aG8ncyBvbmx5 IGtub3dsZWRnZSBvZiBvdXIgY2FycyB3YXMgd2hhdCBoaXMgZmVsbG93IHJpY2VycyB0b2xkIGhp bT8gDQo+IE9yLCB3aGF0IHdvdWxkIHlvdSB0aGluayBpZiB5b3UgaGVhcmQgc29tZSAxNy15ZWFy LW9sZCByaWNlciB0b2xkIHlvdSANCj4gIm9sZCBjYXJzIiBhcmUgYWxsIHdlYWssIHNsb3csIGFu ZCB1bnJlbGlhYmxlPw0KPiANCj4gVGhhdCBzYWlkLCB0aGlzIGlzIGEgZm9ydW0gZm9yIHRoZSBk aXNjdXNzaW9uIG9mIG91ciBTdHVkZWJha2VyIGNhcnMgYW5kIA0KPiB0cnVja3MsIG5vdCBmb3Ig ZGlzY3Vzc2lvbiBvZiB0aGVvLXNvY2lvLXBvbGl0aWNhbCB0b3BpY3MuIEdpdmVuIA0KPiBwZW9w bGUncyB2b2xhdGlsaXR5IHdpdGggc3VjaCBzdWJqZWN0cywgSSBoZWFydGlseSBkaXNhcHByb3Zl IG9mIHBvc3RzIA0KPiBsaWtlIE1yLiBCbGFjaydzOyBJIGZlZWwgdGhleSBhcmUgaW4gdmVyeSBw b29yIGZvcm0sIGFuZCBzaG91bGQgYmUgc2F2ZWQgDQo+IGZvciBhbm90aGVyIGZvcnVtIHdoZXJl IHN1Y2ggZGlzY3Vzc2lvbiBpcyBhcHByb3ByaWF0ZS4NCj4gDQo+IC1EdXRjaA0KPiANCj4gDQo+ IA0KPiANCj4gQmFycnkgd3JvdGU6DQo+PiBJdCBpcyBsaWtlIHRoZSB1cmdlIEkgaGF2ZSBleHBl cmllbmNlZCBhIGZldyB0aW1lcyB0byBraWxsIG9yIGh1cnQgYW5vdGhlcg0KPj4gcGVyc29uIHdo byBkZXNwZXJhdGVseSBkZXNlcnZlZCBpdCwgYnV0IEkgY2hvc2Ugbm90IHRvIGRvIGl0IHNpbmNl IGl0IHdhcw0KPj4gd3JvbmcuICBJIGhhdmUgZXhwZXJpZW5jZWQgdGhlIHVyZ2UgdG8gaGF2ZSBz ZXggd2l0aCBhIHdvbWFuIG90aGVyIHRoYW4gbXkNCj4+IHdpZmUganVzdCBhIGZldyB0aW1lcywg YnV0IEkgY2hvc2Ugbm90IHRvIGRvIGl0LCBhcyB0ZW1wdGluZyBhcyBpdCB3YXMsDQo+PiBiZWNh dXNlIGl0IHdhcyB3cm9uZy4gV2UgYWxsIGhhdmUgdG8gbWFrZSBvdXIgY2hvaWNlcyAmIGRlY2lk ZSB3aGF0IGlzIHJpZ2h0DQo+PiBvciB3cm9uZy4gSSBhbSBnbGFkIEkgZG9uJ3QgY2FycnkgdGhh dCBidXJkZW4uIEZldyB3aG8gZ2l2ZSBpbiB0byB0aGF0DQo+PiBsaWZlc3R5bGUgaGF2ZSB0cnVl bHkgaGFwcHksIGxvbmctdGVybSBzYXRpc2Z5aW5nIHJlbGF0aW9uc2hpcHMsIGFuZCBtYW55DQo+ PiBkaWUgeW91bmcsIGZpZ2h0IGRlcHJlc3Npb24gb3IgdXNlIGFsY29ob2wmIGRydWdzLg0KPj4g R29kIG1hZGUgQWRhbSAmIEV2ZSwgbm90IEFkYW0gJiBTdGV2ZS4NCj4+IA0KPj4gIkNvbWF0dXNA YmV4Lm5ldCIgPGNvbWF0dXNAYnVja2V5ZS1leHByZXNzLmNvbT4gd3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZQ0K Pj4gbmV3czpjZmlkbmNQY2JkR2VUdkhabloyZG5VVlpfdVdkbloyZEBidWNrZXllLWV4cHJlc3Mu Y29tLi4uDQo+Pj4gIkpvaG4gUG91bG9zIiA8YXZhbnRpQGVyb2xzLmNvbT4gd3JvdGUgaW4gbWVz c2FnZQ0KPj4+IG5ld3M6REplZG5VbTY2ck1wWF9IWlJWbi1zd0Bjb21jYXN0LmNvbS4uLg0KPj4+ PiAgICAgTm9uZSBvZiBteSBidXNpbmVzcyB3aG8gdGhleSBjaG9zZSBhcyBsaWZlIHBhcnRuZXIu IEFzIG15IGdheSBidWRkeQ0KPj4+PiBpbiBoaWdoIHNjaG9vbCB3b3VsZCBzYXksICJQdXQgdGhl IHNob2Ugb24gdGhlIG90aGVyIGZvb3QgYW5kIHNlZSBob3cNCj4+Pj4geW91J2QgZmVlbCBpZiBm b2xrcyB3YW50ZWQgeW91IHRvIGRhdGUgbWVuIg0KPj4+IElzbid0IHRoaXMgbW9yZSBhIG1hdHRl ciBvZiBwdXR0aW5nIHRoZSBmb290IGluIHRoZSBvdGhlciBzaG9lPw0KPj4+DQo+Pj4NCj4+Pg0K Pj4gDQo+PiANCj4gLS0gDQo+IE5ld3NHdXkuQ29tIDMwR2IgJDkuOTUgQ2FycnkgRm9yd2FyZCBh bmQgT24gRGVtYW5kIEJhbmR3aWR0aA=

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I've already had three offers for my '83 Honda Civic Fe so that it can be turned into a "Ricer." All came from young Mexican (American) kids...


(Who intends to leave it as it is.. A beater)


suggest you re-read your comments about "ricers". Seems in some circles it's a disparaging racial term. LOL

Reply to
Grumpy AuContraire

I disapprove of your use of the negative connotation 'Ricer'. It is a 'Tuner' car. Jeff (People should respect the word rice...sheesh..) Rice

"Grumpy AuC> I've already had three offers for my '83 Honda Civic Fe so that it can

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Reply to
Jeff Rice

DQoiSmVmZiBSaWNlIiA8ZGVlcG5ob2NrTk9TUEFITUBjb3gubmV0PiB3cm90ZSBpbiBtZXNzYWdl IG5ld3M6NDQ2ZGU3ZmYkMCQyNDI5NSQ4ODI2MGJiM0BmcmVlLnRlcmFuZXdzLmNvbS4uLg0KPkkg ZGlzYXBwcm92ZSBvZiB5b3VyIHVzZSBvZiB0aGUgbmVnYXRpdmUgY29ubm90YXRpb24gJ1JpY2Vy Jy4NCj4gSXQgaXMgYSAnVHVuZXInIGNhci4NCj4gSmVmZiAoUGVvcGxlIHNob3VsZCByZXNwZWN0 IHRoZSB3b3JkIHJpY2UuLi5zaGVlc2guLjxsb2w+KSBSaWNlDQo+IA0KPiANClllYWgsLi4uLi53 aGF0IGhlIHNhaWQhICBMT0wgDQo

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Barry, There is no maker.

Reply to
Holden McGroin

Heh heh... You don't know how I bit my tongue NOT to include you somehow!


Jeff Rice wrote:

Reply to
Grumpy AuContraire

I dissaprove of the negative term "beater". It is politically incorrect. Those that beat their wives have serious psychological help and they should be helped rather than embarassed by derogatory terms.

Reply to
Lark Parker

now, THAT is funny

Jim Bartley on PEI

Reply to

I disapprove of the negative term 'beat'. Those who must discipline their wives have enough to deal with as it is.

What do you say to a woman with 2 black eyes? Nothing, you already told her twice.

Lark Parker wrote:

Reply to
Pat Drnec

I dunno... Life might be simpler if wimmin could not vote or drive..

Reply to
Grumpy AuContraire

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