Good old Movies

OK, it's really not a good movie but I'm sitting here watching Smokey and the Bandit on Spike TV and it is a blast to see the 'chase' scenes where they smash up a load of late model (well, late model in '77) Pontiac and Mopar 4-dr sedans, LOTS of rear wheel drive tire smoke, Posi-burn-outs and NON anti-lock brake slides....

Actually, more than anything, I REALLY miss my old big block Trans-Am's when I watch this movie. Used to have a hell of a good time in those cars.

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If you like that youll love "Gumball Rally" about 1976 I think. Not much on story and acting but lotsa neat 60s and 70s cars and racing on the HiWays!!!! They showed it recently on CMT's Drive in Theatre. Jim

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I watched the filming of the chase scene in 'Diamonds are Forever' in the parking lot of the Mint in downtown Vegas. It took about three hours, starting at around 2:00 AM, a scene that lasted only a few minutes in the movie. The must have smashed thirty cars till they got the shots they wanted. It was actually boring, mot of time was spent moving cars and setting up the stunts. They would run a stunt, then they would need to reposition the smashed cars around to a good side to do a retake. "James Bond" was no were to be seen. ;)

mike hunt

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Mike Hunter

Then you need to watch White Lightning... same sort of thing but Burt Reynolds drives a floor shift, early '70s Ford LTD.

One thing about some of those early 70's movies... the acting is slightly better than a high school play and the teenage girls are played by 30 year old women. Billy Jack comes to mind when I think of a good example.


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Lee Aanderud

I watched 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' last Sunday at my mothers' house (her choice, of course!)... In one scene, where they are walking up to the steps of her apartment, there is a 53 C/K about four cars back in the scene. Jeff

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Jeff Rice

And Adrian Barbeau had the best 'natural' boobs in Hollywood B- Hal Needham movies

"Lee Aanderud" wrote...

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Jeff Rice

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Robert Black

One time at a South Bend IM, they showed Marx Brothers "A Day at the Races." Not much as far as fast driving goes, but plenty of grand old classics.

Karl ( Does this get it to be On Topic?) Haas

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Robert Black

I was watching a tape I taped off tv..... "It happened to Jane"

Jack Lemmon was driving a blue bullet nosed convertible.

Jane (Doris Day) was driving a 1951 (?) Ford woody wagon

also there was a pretty blue and white 58 Chevrolet wagon in the movie

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Internet Movie Database, great site for looking up movies

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I like to watch the old movies and look for their screwups that don't get removed. One that I remember was in white Lighting. It was where Bert Reynolds is shown shifting the 4 speed in the family sedan. He pulls into a parking spot and shifts the car into Park.

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By far, my favorite old movie (1964) is "Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte" with Bette Davis, Joseph Cotten, Olivia deHavilland, Bruce Dern, and Agnes Moorhead. It came out on DVD last year, and that movie's story, dialogue, and "holy sh*t!" scariness has REALLY stood the test of time! There are two really nice 1964 Buick Electra six-window sedans used prominently in the movie too.

Bill Pressler Kent, OH '63 Daytona Skytop R1

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I like to watch the old movies and look for their screwups that don't get removed. One that I remember was in white Lighting. It was where Bert Reynolds is shown shifting the 4 speed in the family sedan. He pulls into a parking spot and shifts the car into Park.

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