
Forwarded for info. I've deleted the email and phone numbers - if anyone wants these please email me.


Re: Proposal to change the status of RUPPs (road used as public paths) to restricted byway and prevent their future upgrade to BOAT (byway open to all traffic) status.

I am writing to you with regard to MP Alun Michael's proposal and Defra's consultation document

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It does seem that Defra has already made up it's mind in favour of the above proposal, despite the fact that the consultation should run until the

19th March 2004. If this proposal becomes law we will lose over half of the greenlanes available for our legal use (and who knows about the government's future plans for BOATs).

I am writing to you on behalf of the South London and Surrey Land Rover Club to ask you what plans you have to oppose this. Please bear in mind that we really do need to act on this as soon as possible.

We feel that, at the very least, as many people as possible should write to their MP.

It may also be worth canvassing for support in the House of Lords. There are many other groups and LR clubs who may well be intrested too, so write/ phone/email whoever you can think of. We are also looking into the possibility of some form of protest rally/march (or both) in central London, provisionally for the 1st week in March 2004. There seems a real possibility that this proposal may become law so we need to organise opposition to this quickly. There are many cases of where action by the electorate have changed (or stopped)! legislation, so ours is not a hopeless cause and have to at least try. We are contacting various clubs and interested parties because we feel group action is more effective than individual. We would very much welcome any ideas or input you might have and we should add that we are not trying to run the campaign by ourselves.

At present it seems that someone needs to 'light the fire' and it looks as if we seem to be only ones willing! However we can't do all this on our own so any help or suggestions you can offer will be really appreciated. I have a sample letter to an MP which may be of some help for ideas for your own letters. I can send this as an attachment if you need it. My e-mail address is Davehbennett@******* Our contact no. s are Gary Gyles (work) 020* *** **** or (home) 020*

*** **** and Dave Bennett (w) 07968 *** *** (h) 020* *** **** Dave Bennett 11-1-2004



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Hi there Martyn,

You are not on your own with this one - us lot in Derbyshire are up in arms over the proposals - there is a public meeting soon -

Advanced Details of the Derby Meeting

Date/Time: Sunday 1st February 2004 commencing at 10 am. Venue: Evergreen (village) Hall, Cornhill, Allestree, Derby (near the intersection of the A6 &A38)

Please, please come and support us - we need as many people to turn up as possible wherever they may be from.

Martyn - if there is a rally organised can you email me with time place etc - WE WILL BE THERE!!


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Like the sound of a rally in central london - god knows how you'd go about organising one though. Seemed to work for some other issues, if only in a roundabout way. At least it might get some press coverage, which would bring the whole issue out into the open - might even win us some support from other areas that we haven't thought about.

Worth a thought,


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Hadyn Thomas

If any more details on this are posted please circulate, I'd lover to be involved in a parade of Soilhulls finest up and down the Mall. I'm sure Liz would be dead proud to see her people parading in her garden, using British made vehicles. Perhaps a temporary off road course could be constructed by Vince Cobblers and crew in hyde park for the day. Or better still we could take over trafalgar square as a bring n' buy sodbury style autojumble. any other Ideas anyone?


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