VW boot knob got a fungus growing in it...

It's true...

or so it seems. Had 04 Golf and the VW motif that doubles as the boot handle appears to have a growth slowly eating away at the Silver and replacing it with a yellowish blobs.

Anyone seen the like or know what it is?


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I take it you don't live in the country? Hardly uncommon, but in the city it's far less likely. Lived in both and cars get much easier life as far in the smoke as fars as the elements are concerned. Just wipe it over more often if you care. I'm more into the worn-out/scrunge look myself and wish they made cars in matt or satin finish.


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Sorry I was not be too clear.

Hope this works.

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AH, that's just the water corroding the chrome under the laquer. It's been scratced at some point, probably when it was installed.

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Duncan Wood

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