OT: Goodbye, Ronald Reagan.

I have a LOT more dislikes for Clinton than likes, but I would not voice them in a eulogy thread.

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Eulogy thread? LOL! God, what a turd.


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Oh for f*ck's sake. You're too damned sensitive. And to think I thought you gun-toters were insensitive. LMAO!

Read further, idiot. Oh--wait! You can't read, I forgot.


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What are you babbling about? Typical attitude. I never spewed any hatred about Reagan in this thread! You need to learn to read before you start making accusations.

I think I've had enough of this place. Guess what? I like Michael Moore. I like his movies. I like what he has to say. No, I'm not a tree-hugger. I hate hippies. I'm democrat. Born in poverty and risen above my circumstances, no thanks to people like you. There. It is said.

For a long time I've endured the stupidity of many on here. You all seem to enjoy ganging up on those who do not agree with you. I'm not the only one in this group who makes broad generalizations, you dolt. You seem to thrive on sarcasm and snide remarks at others' expense. I can't stand that kind of personality. You really make it difficult for the opposition to like you. But, then, I guess that's what you are all about, right?

To those people who might possibly agree with me, take care and maybe I'll see you around.


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On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 09:34:16 -0700, "Cindy" wrote something wonderfully witty:

Well if that is the case and you want to stay to where you have risen you need to change parties before your old friends reallocate what you do have to those not wanting to climb that same latter you did.

Democrats like it when folks stay in poverty, it is where their power base comes from. They have to like keeping folks down since they keep trying to send so many folks there by taking what they've made by the sweat of their brow to give to those who elect them.

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Like that. I think you would refer to you as an obnoxious redneck southerner. Perhapse the man named Beverly was not completely incorrect.

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I would put money on my reading skills compared to anyone who, as I mentioned before; has to resort to name calling and / or profanity to try and convey a point. Usually a weak point.

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"Cindy" wrote in news:7KjAc.2583$u%3.322@fed1read04:

Boy, this all sounds very familiar. ;)

Cindy, take it easy and stop back once in a while to visit. FWIW, I basically agree with you.

Joe Calypso Green '93 5.0 LX AOD hatch with a few goodies Black '03 Dakota 5.9 R/T CC

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Michael Moore is a courageous patriot who does an excellent job of revealing the lies and crimes of the bu$h regime. We could use more like him. Trees rule. Without trees, this planet would be as dead as the "mind" of a right winger.

"WindsorFox" is an extreme example of what can happen when someone does very little reading or thinking, and believes everything his government tells him to believe. He is a very simple minded and gullible fool, and most his political rants are nothing but unsupported idiocy. HTH!

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Repugs like it when people stay stupid and ignorant. That's where their power base comes from. Fear, ignorance, and hatred are also close allies of the rabid right wing.

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Can't be done, because neither Kerry, Clinton, or Gore have close business ties to Saudis, flew them out of the country immediately after 9-11, or ignored all the urgent warnings and let us get hit on 9-11. Nor did they lie to the People and the Congress about matters of national security and get hundred of troops killed and thousands more injured over nothing but lies and greed. Neither Kerry, Clinton, or Gore have ordered the torture and murder of POWs, committed war crimes. or wasted hundreds of BILLIONS of tax payer dollars on an illegal and immoral terror attack. Anyone who supports the lying, thieving, mass murdering, treasonous, terrorist, torturers and war criminals on the bu$h regime at this point, is pretty much insane. Even prominent conservatives have had enough of bu$h's lies, theft, crimes, incompetence, and many tragic, simple minded f*ck ups.

formatting link

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eulogy and in power and disagrees in a cooth and educated manner

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Coming fro the person with the lowest ACT score in the group, that's a pretty meaningless statement.

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See your inaccuracies are all refuted buy the last installment from the commission. And yes, movies CAN be made about Clinto and Gore on things they did wrong and things they lied about. Bill Clinton LIED to all of America on film. Yes he DID have sex with that woman. The only person with zero understanding in here is you.

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Aw, fer Gawd's sakes, just killfile the creepy little bastard! I hope that he's just a troll, but I fear that he's on the level - considering that he's a member of a nonbiased group called 'Enlightened Liberals', and he's using a Cornell University server.

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Ralph Snart

On Sat, 19 Jun 2004 09:36:53 -0400, Hank wrote something wonderfully witty:

Dems seem to enjoy that aspect as well. It appears you have the stupid and ignorant part down pat anyways. Committed sexual harassment in the work place lately?

At least a Republican will let you make a buck and keep some part of it. Damn Dems want the whole damn thing so they can give it to somebody else. No thanks.

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On Sat, 19 Jun 2004 09:38:43 -0400, Hank wrote something wonderfully witty:

However, one the problems is you are to ignorant in your blind hate lust to see it is every bit as bad on both sides of the fence. Neither major party or the men you mentioned have a lock on horrible & stupid ideas & actions.

There is a reason the terrorists continued to strike out at us and it had nothing to do with the current decision makers. At least we are responding from a position of strength as opposed to simply rolling over and showing them our soft under belly.

You probably aren't aware of the this or even capable of understanding the concept, but every time you or your ilk make a post such as this the terrorist chalk up another one in the win column. You are doing exactly what they want you to do. You are responding the way they hope you would based on their tactics. Way to go scoring one for the away team.

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On Sat, 19 Jun 2004 10:04:53 -0500, "WindsorFox[SS]" wrote something wonderfully witty:

While he might have had sex with her, he did not have sexual relations with her. Unfortunately that was the question because they were beating around the Bush (pun intended) and didn't flat out ask if she gave him a toothy nobber.

It is the same type of answer he gave when he responded with "I have never broken the drug laws of the United States." Every other country in the world, but not the US.

The man is a very accomplished liar.

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On Sat, 19 Jun 2004 15:06:12 GMT, "Ralph Snart" wrote something wonderfully witty:

Well gee whiz. Do you know what a truly enlighten liberal is? A conservative. Just like new born puppies you have to wait for them to open their eyes.

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Actually, bu$h has done more to benefit terrorists than any human being on the planet - even more than Reagan and daddy bu$h who funded and trained Muslim extremists via the CIA. First bu$h paved the way for the attacks of 9-11, then he neglected the fight against terrorism to attack Iraq and steal its oil. Attacking Iraq is a wet dream come true for Osama bin Laden. bu$h has proven all of Osama's rhetoric against the U.S. to be true, and inspired thousands of angry young Muslims to join al Qaeda. Well done, fool.

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