OT: Time for another tax cut

Only a dumbshit like you would try to blame the dems for for current situation, when the republicans control both the presidency and the majority in congress. Idiot.

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Dear friend Dizzy AKA Stupid, Troll, Moron, and once again Idiot You have chosen to comment on a subject of which you obviously have little or no knowledge, again. A quick search of then Congressional Record will show the Dims in the Senate have stymied every effort by the Republican controlled House to reduce speeding where possible. Every reduction in the budget passed by the House, over the past five years, has died in the Senate. Like I said we do not expect you to know how your government works

mike hunt

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Mike Hunter

How ironic. On 3/16/2006, at 2:47pm (local), "mike hunt" emitted the following whine:

"You are entitled to your own opinion so why are you so offended that you need to stoop to vulgerness? [sic]"

And here you are, calling Diz "Stupid, Troll, Moron and [sic] once again Idiot".

Gee, "mike hunt" are your for or against being polite in newsgroups?

Here's a "vulgerness" for you. Bullshit! As in, you're full of bullshit! Dubya hasn't vetoed a SINGLE spending bill. He hasn't vetoed a bill of any kind. He hasn't got the balls to stand up to the big spenders in his own party.

And his own party is spending like drunken sailors.

While I'm thinking about it, the one veto he has even threatened was over proposed legilation in re a Dubai company operating some ports for us. He later claimed he hadn't known about the contract until it hit the news. Of course, then we all want to know, why, if Dubya didn't know anything about it, he was so itchy to pull the veto trigger on this.

Got any clues?

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He signed his post with the name Idiot. Our friend Dizzy AKA Stupid, Troll, Moron, Idiot etc. frequently signs his posts with those names and more. How else should one address him other the names he calls himself?

mike hunt

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Mike Hunter

If that's what you think, you should take a course in remedial reading comprehension.

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The truth is that "Mike Hunt" is a bald-faced liar.

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I post things like President Bush is a great President Mike hunt

You post things like Bush lied Idiot.

Iraq was a mistake Moron.

Sometimes you do not even post anything and you sign

Stupid, Moron, Troll, or Idiot etc.

What else is one to think? I think YOU are the BOLD-face liar LOL

mike hunt

"dizzy AKA Stupid, Mor>

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Mike Hunter

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