Re: OT Cheney - Cutting Gas Tax is the right thing to do

>>My tax returns, my tax lawyer, and a little left-wing rag known as >>INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY. Everyone older than McCain, as you and I >>are, knows Reagan raised taxes when it was apparent the supply-side >>magic wasn't working as advertised. > > The real burden fell on George "read my lips, no new taxes" Bush who > had to raise taxes appreciably to combat the wild overspending and > trillion $ deficits accumulated by Reagan. Note that the piper is > coming due now on GWB's wild overspending and trillion $ deficits.
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Mike hunt
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That's a false argument. Who signed the spending bills that Congress sent him? Who negotiated the spending bills, as well. The first President Bush and Congress agreed to raise taxes.

Wrong. The President has to sign the bills that Congress writes, unless they override a veto.

Only an idiot would think that the President doesn't sign the spending bills. In fact, who sends a proposed budget to Congress? Hint: It's not Senator Obama.


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Reply to
Mike hunt

So how do you explain all the deficits run up from 2001-2006, when Republican GW Bush ws in the White House and Congress was controlled by Republicans? Clinton? If you blame Clinton, how do you explain the surpluses run up during the last Clinton term?

No wonder you crazy Repubicans (as opposed to sane ones, like my father), don't know how to run government.

Reply to
larry moe 'n curly

Do you own homework to fund the information you seek LOL

Reply to
Mike hunt

How do you fund information?

However, it is up to *you* to back your own claims, not someone else.


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I'm asking you about your double standard -- GW Bush runs up the national debt, and you give him a pass for that, while Bill Clinton gets a fail despite running surpluses. You're a hypocrite.

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larry moe 'n curly

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