Towing capacity '96 4Runner 4cyl 5 spd 2wd?

Been a while since I posted anything up here, and I'm well aware of the etiquette... but right now frankly I'm a bit stressed out and haven't a clue where to start looking for a reliable answer to my query, forgive me for not googling first. I do have a manual, I do have a Haynes book, but I'm a bit dyslexic and VERY stressed out over this move so anything less than plain English is a little hard to understand right now (it has nothing to do with being female- hey I made a funny.) And if I'm totally asking on the wrong forum, if someone could be so kind as to redirect me off list.

I'm trying to relocate and start a new life (and in a hurry to do so.) Well, my options are limited to my financial capabilities. I'm considering buying a small travel trailer and reducing my junk collection and living a bit like a nomad. I'm rather a minimalist anyway so this would be easy to adjust to. It would cost about as much I think to buy a trailer and be 'free' as it would to pack up household and move across country (which is plan 'A'. Plan 'B' is the trailer idea.)

The question is, will my little truck pull anything worth living in? I haven't the foggiest what sort of trailer she would pull. She's a 1996,

4cyl, 5sp manual transmission, 2wd, currently with no tow package at all on it. She's in decent shape. I would have her upgraded for towing at the dealership (wiring, radiator, hitch, etc right?) But how much trailer can I purchase without overdoing it? Will she handle a 13' camper trailer? more? or am I limited to barely managing a pop up camper, or worse yet, a small utility trailer? Someone please... give me at least an idea of how wimpy my truck is (hey I love her, but I know she's just a baby.) If there's something she'll pull then I need to start shopping soon and schedule her upgrades.

Thanks in advance to those patient and kind enough to be helpful.

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DQoiUG9va2VyeiIgPHBvb2t5ZGVlLnJlbW92ZWJlZm9yZWZsaWdodEB5YWhvby5jb20+IHdyb3Rl IGluIG1lc3NhZ2UgbmV3czptYlVGZi4yMjc1OCRKZC45NjIzQG5ld3NzdnIyNS5uZXdzLnByb2Rp Z3kubmV0Li4uDQo+IEJlZW4gYSB3aGlsZSBzaW5jZSBJIHBvc3RlZCBhbnl0aGluZyB1cCBoZXJl LCBhbmQgSSdtIHdlbGwgYXdhcmUgb2YgdGhlIA0KPiBldGlxdWV0dGUuLi4gYnV0IHJpZ2h0IG5v dyBmcmFua2x5IEknbSBhIGJpdCBzdHJlc3NlZCBvdXQgYW5kIGhhdmVuJ3QgYSBjbHVlIA0KPiB3 aGVyZSB0byBzdGFydCBsb29raW5nIGZvciBhIHJlbGlhYmxlIGFuc3dlciB0byBteSBxdWVyeSwg Zm9yZ2l2ZSBtZSBmb3Igbm90IA0KPiBnb29nbGluZyBmaXJzdC4gSSBkbyBoYXZlIGEgbWFudWFs LCBJIGRvIGhhdmUgYSBIYXluZXMgYm9vaywgYnV0IEknbSBhIGJpdCANCj4gZHlzbGV4aWMgYW5k IFZFUlkgc3RyZXNzZWQgb3V0IG92ZXIgdGhpcyBtb3ZlIHNvIGFueXRoaW5nIGxlc3MgdGhhbiBw bGFpbiANCj4gRW5nbGlzaCBpcyBhIGxpdHRsZSBoYXJkIHRvIHVuZGVyc3RhbmQgcmlnaHQgbm93 IChpdCBoYXMgbm90aGluZyB0byBkbyB3aXRoIA0KPiBiZWluZyBmZW1hbGUtIGhleSBJIG1hZGUg YSBmdW5ueS4pIEFuZCBpZiBJJ20gdG90YWxseSBhc2tpbmcgb24gdGhlIHdyb25nIA0KPiBmb3J1 bSwgaWYgc29tZW9uZSBjb3VsZCBiZSBzbyBraW5kIGFzIHRvIHJlZGlyZWN0IG1lIG9mZiBsaXN0 Lg0KPiANCj4gSSdtIHRyeWluZyB0byByZWxvY2F0ZSBhbmQgc3RhcnQgYSBuZXcgbGlmZSAoYW5k IGluIGEgaHVycnkgdG8gZG8gc28uKSBXZWxsLCANCj4gbXkgb3B0aW9ucyBhcmUgbGltaXRlZCB0 byBteSBmaW5hbmNpYWwgY2FwYWJpbGl0aWVzLiBJJ20gY29uc2lkZXJpbmcgYnV5aW5nIA0KPiBh IHNtYWxsIHRyYXZlbCB0cmFpbGVyIGFuZCByZWR1Y2luZyBteSBqdW5rIGNvbGxlY3Rpb24gYW5k IGxpdmluZyBhIGJpdCBsaWtlIA0KPiBhIG5vbWFkLiBJJ20gcmF0aGVyIGEgbWluaW1hbGlzdCBh bnl3YXkgc28gdGhpcyB3b3VsZCBiZSBlYXN5IHRvIGFkanVzdCB0by4gDQo+IEl0IHdvdWxkIGNv c3QgYWJvdXQgYXMgbXVjaCBJIHRoaW5rIHRvIGJ1eSBhIHRyYWlsZXIgYW5kIGJlICdmcmVlJyBh cyBpdCANCj4gd291bGQgdG8gcGFjayB1cCBob3VzZWhvbGQgYW5kIG1vdmUgYWNyb3NzIGNvdW50 cnkgKHdoaWNoIGlzIHBsYW4gJ0EnLiBQbGFuIA0KPiAnQicgaXMgdGhlIHRyYWlsZXIgaWRlYS4p DQo+IA0KPiBUaGUgcXVlc3Rpb24gaXMsIHdpbGwgbXkgbGl0dGxlIHRydWNrIHB1bGwgYW55dGhp bmcgd29ydGggbGl2aW5nIGluPyBJIA0KPiBoYXZlbid0IHRoZSBmb2dnaWVzdCB3aGF0IHNvcnQg b2YgdHJhaWxlciBzaGUgd291bGQgcHVsbC4gU2hlJ3MgYSAxOTk2LCANCj4gNGN5bCwgNXNwIG1h bnVhbCB0cmFuc21pc3Npb24sIDJ3ZCwgY3VycmVudGx5IHdpdGggbm8gdG93IHBhY2thZ2UgYXQg YWxsIG9uIA0KPiBpdC4gU2hlJ3MgaW4gZGVjZW50IHNoYXBlLiBJIHdvdWxkIGhhdmUgaGVyIHVw Z3JhZGVkIGZvciB0b3dpbmcgYXQgdGhlIA0KPiBkZWFsZXJzaGlwICh3aXJpbmcsIHJhZGlhdG9y LCBoaXRjaCwgZXRjIHJpZ2h0PykgQnV0IGhvdyBtdWNoIHRyYWlsZXIgY2FuIEkgDQo+IHB1cmNo YXNlIHdpdGhvdXQgb3ZlcmRvaW5nIGl0PyBXaWxsIHNoZSBoYW5kbGUgYSAxMycgY2FtcGVyIHRy YWlsZXI/IG1vcmU/IA0KPiBvciBhbSBJIGxpbWl0ZWQgdG8gYmFyZWx5IG1hbmFnaW5nIGEgcG9w IHVwIGNhbXBlciwgb3Igd29yc2UgeWV0LCBhIHNtYWxsIA0KPiB1dGlsaXR5IHRyYWlsZXI/IFNv bWVvbmUgcGxlYXNlLi4uIGdpdmUgbWUgYXQgbGVhc3QgYW4gaWRlYSBvZiBob3cgd2ltcHkgbXkg DQo+IHRydWNrIGlzIChoZXkgSSBsb3ZlIGhlciwgYnV0IEkga25vdyBzaGUncyBqdXN0IGEgYmFi eS4pIElmIHRoZXJlJ3MgDQo+IHNvbWV0aGluZyBzaGUnbGwgcHVsbCB0aGVuIEkgbmVlZCB0byBz dGFydCBzaG9wcGluZyBzb29uIGFuZCBzY2hlZHVsZSBoZXIgDQo+IHVwZ3JhZGVzLg0KPiANCj4g VGhhbmtzIGluIGFkdmFuY2UgdG8gdGhvc2UgcGF0aWVudCBhbmQga2luZCBlbm91Z2ggdG8gYmUg aGVscGZ1bC4NCj4gDQo+IC0tIA0KUHJvYmFibHkgbm90IGFueXRoaW5nIGJpZyBlbm91Z2ggdG8g YmUgY29tZm9ydGFibGUgaW4gZm9yIGZ1bGwgdGltZSBSVidpbmchDQo=

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It should be able to tow a small camping trailer in the 3,500 Pound range IF you have working trailer brakes and an equalizing receiver hitch on the car, but I'd find something designed to be a lightweight like an older Alumalite. (It looks like Holiday Rambler isn't making anything small anymore.) And if you think the packed weight is creeping up to where it's not safe, take the whole rig to a truck scale and get it weighed - that will give you the impetus to put the truck and/or trailer on a diet. (Crap Overboard!...)

The Airstream Basecamp looks more interesting than a tent trailer - it's a new 2,000 Pound Gross version of the little Teardrop trailers from the 1930's.

formatting link
Or the 16'Airstream Bambi at around 2,800 pounds dry, 3,500 GVW. And with the 4-banger don't plan on being in any hurry at all getting up hills - it'll get you there, but you'll have to drop down into 3rd or 2nd gear, ease up to about 2/3 throttle, and just grind it out. Do NOT flog it by hovering at the RPM redline with your foot to the floor for long periods.

Having the 5-speed is a good thing because you can use every horse you've got in that little motor - though you have to be a little more careful not to smoke the clutch while towing.

(Automatic transmissions are for people who aren't smart enough or coordinated enough to drive a Stick properly. So I have one thing to say for people who can't handle one - Neener Neener Neener!!) ;-P

Stay out of 5th while towing unless you are on a slight downhill, from what I've heard here in the past the bearings on that countershaft were pretty wimpy on some years and they won't take heavy loading. Drop out of 5th at the first hint that you're lugging the engine.


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Bruce L. Bergman

Thanks Bruce, that was exactly the info I needed. You're a gem for being so thorough with your answers, as always. And thanks for the advice on how to tow, it's been a long while and I've never done it with a stick. I was eyeing that airstream bambi earlier, but kind of leaning toward finding an old trailer that's been redone inside. We'll see what happens. :)

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I wouldn't go much over 2000# with the 4 cylinder - thats popup or 17-23' lite trailer. The fiberglass egg shapped Castineta 13-16' would be ideal.

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