2003 RX330 Nav Problem..

I have the RX330 With NAV. I have only had it a week and am noticing a problem with the NAV. The address key on the destination page is not always highlighted whereas you can push it and enter an address. I see the keys change from highlighted to "greyed out" unavailable.

The Map is tracking properly, GPS signals in this are are good. This happened today on a 20 mile trip, and the address field was unavailable most of the trip.

Anyone have any idea's what this could be?


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Are you trying to use it while you're moving? The nav system is designed to only let you do a couple of things when the vehicle is going more than a couple of miles an hour.

Somebody probably got in an accident and sued Lexus. :(

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Kathy Applebaum

Uh, yep I am guilty. OK I can live with that, sort of.

Read the manual and found when st> Are you trying to use it while you're moving? The nav system is designed to

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