OT Scott Crossfield

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Civil Air Patrol reports that civilian test pilot Scott Crossfield crashed and died in weather in Georgia. He was flying his private Cessna 210.

Some may remember the character from "The Right Stuff": the quiet man to whom Chuck Yeager tips his glass, recognizing the "fastest man in the world."

I've seen some of the things Scott Crossfield flew through and lived, and frankly did not believe he could be killed. Probably this is the only fitting end for one of the greatest pilots who ever lit the fuse. Many people have been launched into space. Scott Crossfield flew there.

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What a story. RIP, Scott. BP

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Jeff Rice

Reminds me of an interview with Dale Earnhardt. A reporter asked him if it would be a tragedy if he was killed on the track. Dale replied, "No, racing is a dangerous profession... if I was working on the farm and a tractor fell on me, that would be a tragedy."

On the news last night they praised Crossfield because when he climbed into the X-15 for it's maiden flight, they still weren't sure if the thing would even fly.


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I guess that Yeager and Bob Hoover are now about the only super heros left from that era of aviation. They are a vanishing breed. It is indeed ironic after having flown the X-15 , Douglas Sky Rocket , and many others Scotty was done in by a Cessna.



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I heard a Yeager interview today where Yeager mentioned Crossfield had gone up in questionable weather many a time.... Jeff

I guess that Yeager and Bob Hoover are now about the only super heros

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Jeff Rice

Crossfield was certainly one of the best. Even so, if you keep pushing the envelope, gravity always wins. As the old axiom goes, "There are old pilots and there are bold pilots. There are few old bold pilots". Yeager, Hoover, and Crossfield were among the few. That certainly speaks to their skill ........... and ..their luck. One thing I learned in 35 years of defying gravity: I'll take luck over skill about any time.


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DQo8amFjazc2N0BoaWdobGFuZC5uZXQ+IHdyb3RlIGluIG1lc3NhZ2UgbmV3czoxMTQ1NjYzMDU1 LjU4MjY3NC4yMTQ0ODBAaTM5ZzIwMDBjd2EuZ29vZ2xlZ3JvdXBzLmNvbS4uLg0KPiBDcm9zc2Zp ZWxkIHdhcyBjZXJ0YWlubHkgb25lIG9mIHRoZSBiZXN0LiAgRXZlbiBzbywgaWYgeW91IGtlZXAg cHVzaGluZw0KPiB0aGUgZW52ZWxvcGUsDQo+IGdyYXZpdHkgYWx3YXlzIHdpbnMuICBBcyB0aGUg b2xkIGF4aW9tIGdvZXMsICJUaGVyZSBhcmUgb2xkIHBpbG90cyBhbmQNCj4gdGhlcmUgYXJlIGJv bGQgcGlsb3RzLiAgVGhlcmUgYXJlIGZldyBvbGQgYm9sZCBwaWxvdHMiLiAgIFllYWdlciwNCj4g SG9vdmVyLCBhbmQgQ3Jvc3NmaWVsZCB3ZXJlIGFtb25nIHRoZSBmZXcuICBUaGF0IGNlcnRhaW5s eSBzcGVha3MgdG8NCj4gdGhlaXIgc2tpbGwgLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4gYW5kIC4udGhlaXIgbHVjay4N Cj4gT25lIHRoaW5nIEkgbGVhcm5lZCBpbiAzNSB5ZWFycyBvZiBkZWZ5aW5nIGdyYXZpdHk6ICAg SSdsbCB0YWtlIGx1Y2sNCj4gb3ZlciBza2lsbCBhYm91dCBhbnkgdGltZS4NCj4gDQo+IEphY2sN Cj4NCkhleSBKYWNrLCB3ZXJlIHlvdSBvbmUgb2YgJ2RlbSA3NjcgZHJpdmVycz8/IDxnPg0K

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Update on Mr. Yeager who is now 83...He is in a legal fight with his adult children over control of his money and pension...Won back near

1,000,000 from his daughter...

To bad we have to get old ....or want a second wife and a life with her...So why did they make Viagra if you can't use it cause your old ??

Mr. Crossfield was a great, smart, gifted man...I think he likely drove Studebakers too...Someone cool to sit down , chat with and hope some of him rubbed off on me...Just a thought...


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Went thru something like that with my Dad.

Following the death of his GF of 20 years, I went to check on him and he had been beaten and robbed, had no idea what had happened, who I was ( kept mistaking me for my older half brother) or even what year it was.

Spent almost a year dragging him from doctor to doctor, getting him checked out, fed daily, and medicated up.

Chased the Meth Cooks and Whores out of his house.

Got him straightened up and aware of what year it is, and that his lady has passed away (Aricept helped a lot).

He pretty much decided that he wanted the w***es back.

He was sound of mind when he made that decision, so I honored it.

He's my Dad, not my kid.


C> Update on Mr. Yeager who is now 83...He is in a legal fight with his

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DQoiT3VqZGVpdt8iIDxhQGIuY29tPiB3cm90ZSBpbiBtZXNzYWdlIG5ld3M6ajZsMmcuNDk4JFZu LjMwM0BuZXdzcmVhZDQubmV3cy5wYXMuZWFydGhsaW5rLm5ldC4uLg0KPiBXZW50IHRocnUgc29t ZXRoaW5nIGxpa2UgdGhhdCB3aXRoIG15IERhZC4NCj4gDQo+IEZvbGxvd2luZyB0aGUgZGVhdGgg b2YgaGlzIEdGIG9mIDIwIHllYXJzLCBJIHdlbnQgdG8gY2hlY2sgb24gaGltIGFuZCBoZSANCj4g aGFkIGJlZW4gYmVhdGVuIGFuZCByb2JiZWQsIGhhZCBubyBpZGVhIHdoYXQgaGFkIGhhcHBlbmVk LCB3aG8gSSB3YXMgKCANCj4ga2VwdCBtaXN0YWtpbmcgbWUgZm9yIG15IG9sZGVyIGhhbGYgYnJv dGhlcikgb3IgZXZlbiB3aGF0IHllYXIgaXQgd2FzLg0KPiANCj4gU3BlbnQgYWxtb3N0IGEgeWVh ciBkcmFnZ2luZyBoaW0gZnJvbSBkb2N0b3IgdG8gZG9jdG9yLCBnZXR0aW5nIGhpbSANCj4gY2hl Y2tlZCBvdXQsIGZlZCBkYWlseSwgYW5kIG1lZGljYXRlZCB1cC4NCj4gDQo+IENoYXNlZCB0aGUg TWV0aCBDb29rcyBhbmQgV2hvcmVzIG91dCBvZiBoaXMgaG91c2UuDQo+IA0KPiBHb3QgaGltIHN0 cmFpZ2h0ZW5lZCB1cCBhbmQgYXdhcmUgb2Ygd2hhdCB5ZWFyIGl0IGlzLCBhbmQgdGhhdCBoaXMg bGFkeSANCj4gaGFzIHBhc3NlZCBhd2F5IChBcmljZXB0IGhlbHBlZCBhIGxvdCkuDQo+IA0KPiBI ZSBwcmV0dHkgbXVjaCBkZWNpZGVkIHRoYXQgaGUgd2FudGVkIHRoZSB3aG9yZXMgYmFjay4NCj4g DQo+IEhlIHdhcyBzb3VuZCBvZiBtaW5kIHdoZW4gaGUgbWFkZSB0aGF0IGRlY2lzaW9uLCBzbyBJ IGhvbm9yZWQgaXQuDQo+IA0KPiBIZSdzIG15IERhZCwgbm90IG15IGtpZC4NCj4gDQo+IHAuZC4N ClNhZCBzdG9yeSwgaG9wZSBoZSBnZXRzIGJldHRlci4

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Basic personality disorders are rarely curable :)

Big wake up for me.


kar>> Went thru something like that with my Dad.

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