65 kombi F/S

Tim get real my 64 body was put on a different titled chassis, are you telling me I'm the only one ever to do this? and yea as far as the letter went, the way the court system works is If I wanted to take john to court over not being paid on the 63 I would have had to file in Utah were the work was performed but, I could file on the 59 because I bought the car here and worked on it at my shop here, which means that John would have had to file here with any complaints, making his SLC judgment not worth the paper it was printed on. John was to busy showing off and buying a new Volvo wagen when I spent a month living out there to be able to pay for the work I did. Being a little gullible I excepted partial pay and even used part of that to buy a 59 to build a streetable race car for him (must be he was happy with my work to ask me to do another car huh). I filed the letter after I was told I wasn't going to get paid what was owed me but didn't do the full court thing because I knew John would not have come here put up a bond to settle this mess. So anyone can understand why he is doing the only thing he can my trying to make me look bad. Its really the only thing he has. There is more to it then this but I really just cut my loses and moved on. Now john can show more PICS of the resto on the 63. yes john feel free to tell everyone that a wrong fender was painted for the car because as you said you didn't know much about early VWs when you bought the fender. This was all covered 4 yrs ago when Gary was arguing with him, all anyone has to do is google the old BS. now all this said and done doesn't change anything, it just keeps hashing up more BS. Like no john I have everything in life anyone can want in my 2 kids and no there not on crack, there happy well taken care of or more like spoiled.

As far as other business dealings all your giving is one side with no clue of the whole truth. But if it makes you happy to keep lying about me feel free it hasn't stop me from selling good used parts for those that need them.

Mario Vintage Werks restorations loving every minute of what I do

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your sig under your name is 100% correct; too bad it doesn't say WHAT you are doing.

John Aircooled.Net Inc.

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John Connolly

.................You don't have the right to be selling those "good used parts" on this newsgroup as a business. You're not a philanthropic individual who wants to help others. You are shamelessly trying to make money here. Stop lying about this. Do yourself a favor and go try to make an honest living flipping burgers.

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Tim Rogers

When people are good at their job, then they do ok. When they are not, they scrape by. Below the poverty level in some cases. Some do it honestly and some don't. There's no denying that, even though some deny their own dishonesty every day in their own mind when they wake up. When people don't do their job well, they make excuses for the situation they are in. "That judgement isn't fair! I do good work! I have lots of customers! I'm right and everybody else including the judge is wrong!" You know how it works. We all do. Some of us just choose to not accept reality. I think that at some point the people who keep denying reality who are also significantly below average intelligence levels also start to believe their own lies and fabrications. It's sad, folks, but that's what some people become a witness to. Hell, it could happen even on a forum like this one. A shocking display of low, low intelligence level and denial. *shakes head slowly out of pity* Of course all of this is hypothetical and not referring to anyone in particular. I just had a really good idea, though. I'm going to pay a lawyer a few dollars to send a letter to my bank and demand that they put several million dollars into my account and since I paid that lawyer a few dollars to do that, it makes my demand right. As a result of that I will retire and not have to work any more. Hey, it would be a letter from a lawyer so that would prove I'm right in my demands for the millions of dollars, right? *looks at self in mirror and nods head slowly...approvingly... well aware of the vast intelligence behind the eyes looking back*

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John, I know Gary....and remember i have been here a long time...i was just questioning Mario on a "letter" that we heard about several times and he never elaborated...he kept throwing it out there....

------------------- Chris Perdue "I'm ever so thankful for the Internet; it has allowed me to keep a finger in the pie and to make some small contribution to those younger who will carry the air-cooled legend forward" Jim Mais Feb. 2004

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Chris Perdue

And I thought three stooges where dead, but we have them right here in our news group.

Mario Vintage Werks Restorations Guaranteed to Bug you.

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.............And another illustration of Shaggie's description of "low intelligence level". Try instead to explain why you're the ONLY business that is trying milk this newsgroup for profit while claiming to merely be helping others out of some altruistic motive.

Reply to
Tim Rogers

......make that:

trying 'to' milk this newsgroup

Reply to
Tim Rogers

OK I will listen to my fan club and will no longer advertise my wears on this forum. I expect we will see the same courtesy form any others in the VW profession.

Mario Vintage Werks restorations found my field of dreams

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.......If you hold to this, I won't be bothering you again.

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Tim Rogers

Wow, I might even take off my killfile filter if he does that. But probably not.

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