[OT] as in VERY OT! anyone do martial art of any kind?

"Albert T Cone" wrote

Where does their strength come from then? Male ballet dancers show amazing strength but look at the size of the muscles on them! All these shaolin dudes are very skinny and look very weak but there's some kind of inner strength there.

Anyway, I know what I've seen and experienced. My friend comes back from China with such amazing stories. I'd love to go out there and see it for myself but it's harder than Royal Marines initiation...

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thats where the guy that does the training where i go err got trained :) every year some blokey comes over from china and works out with the instructors.

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Charlie does Tai Chi.

I refer to this as "The Force," "Fung Shi" and "that funky class with the weirdos, "lightsabre training" and generally take the p*** out of her.

She then signs me up to cookery classes as revenge... :-/

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TBH i have had this demonstrated to me too...

This guy was able to move me without touching me. it felt like I lost my balence, was standing on a flat peice of pavement. he held his hand about 7 inches from my chest and pulled. I took about three steps forward.

He also asked me to clese my hand, I couldnt open it again and he was not touching me.


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You're only given so many heartbeats in your life, so don't waste them by pointless exercising. ;-)

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Dave Plowman (News)

Dude, you need to clamber out from under the thumb ;)

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No no, you should see the instructor! :p

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I start karate a few months ago with the aim of trying to get fit. But didnt really like it so stopped after one 2 hour lesson, and went to the pub instead :)

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Carl Gibbs

I have always had an intrest in cooking...

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in news: snipped-for-privacy@individual.net, "fishman" slurred :

Training to an extreme degree. Strength isn't just about size of muscle, and fully toned muscle density can be almost twice that of normal muscle.

Acrobatics is about power:weight, and having small dense muscles is much better for that.

Heh. I have some special beads you might be interested in. They are guaranteed 100% effective at keeping vampires away. Very reasonable price :)

I can't argue about your experiences, but I will guarantee that there is a physical/psychological explanation for it all.

Yeah, from what I've seen, it looks like you have to be completely dedicated - it's not for the blokes who just want to impress thier mates at chucking-out time.

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Albert T Cone

Go see Derin Brown.

He does this sort of stuff, debunks most of it, but then keeps you guessing on some of it.

It's all down to suggestion.

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Sleeker GT Phwoar

I was just gonna mention that ! He's great isn't he :)

Nobody is disputing that this stuff exists - the point is that it's not real. It's just cleverness, that relies on the way the human mind works.

If you can make someone think you're pushing them over, then they will fall over !

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Went to see him in Manchester and watched all of his TV stuff. I can now work out some of what he is doing before he explains.

Other times I don't have a clue.

And what about when they think you are going to pull them backwards with an invisible string, but don't know when. I guess that is as much about watching to see when they are about to go, and faking the pull.

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Sleeker GT Phwoar

Yep. I am debunking some martial arts fraudsters on Sunday. Google for Yellow Bamboo in rec.martial-arts. The whole story is there.


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Fraser Johnston

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