Idea of the muscle car is dead (Or, why Ford can't sell cars now)

I'll take someone with plain old common sense. None of the above makes for a great, or even mediocre, president.

I think McCain is physically and mentally tougher than many know. I don't think four years as president will be close to what he went through as a POW. His benchmark for what constitutes overwhelming stress is far beyond anything most people can comprehend. I want him to pick a true conservative for a running mate so that person can have the potential to become a president that actually governs from truly conservative principles.

IMO, Bush was elected thanks to the Democrat's ability to throw liberal candidates at us election after election. Bill Clinton didn't run as a liberal and he got two terms.

Obama is an empty suit, IMO. At best he is a blank slate and for me that makes him too risky to be president. He is a loaf of bread that was pulled out of the oven too early and still has a gooey center. Just because he has an Ivy League education doesn't make him smart in the way needed to run the country. Have you really watched him when he hasn't got a teleprompter? The guy is a bumbling, fumbling, stuttering mess. He has trouble stringing two sentences together and says "ummmm" to the point I can't listen to him for long.

He also comes across as being very arrogant and I think he actually believes the hype his campaign is spewing forth that he is the political messiah we have been waiting for. In reality he is just the latest liberal, elitist, sock puppet presidential candidate that George Soros is trying to con us into electing president. The only thing that differentiates him from Gore, Kerry, Ted Kennedy etc. is that his skin is black and he has far less experience to qualify him to be president.

IMO, campaigns are about the candidates laying out their general political leanings and the broad goals they intent to pursue. Their may be surprises for the winner once they are in office but they also need to know the general workings of the system. This is where McCain has a big edge over Obama. I think Obama it being run by major players behind the scene. It is why he is so scripted and they won't let him be put in situations where he has to think fast on his feet. When he is in these situations he tends to freeze up or say stupid things.

I agree, judging by their performance the past two years. They have accomplished absolutely nothing meaningful unless you consider holding hearings on Bush's administration a worthwhile pursuit. Their lack of accomplishment to pass a good energy bill might be what does them in this fall. People are smart enough to know that unless we produce more oil domestically we are going to continue to get hammered on gas prices. Pelosi screwed the pooch by going on recess without passing a bill to allow more drilling off-shore and elsewhere.

I disagree. I think it would be a signal to the Democrats that the country is tired of their party being controlled by the far left, radical liberal elites. If they had nominated a more centrist candidate they would be beating ANY republican by double digits. Instead they give us an unknown, untested, elitist liberal because they think the majority of us are stupid enough to be fleeced into voting for him.

Also, don't put too much stock in just how poorly the country thinks of Bush. He disapproval ratings are low because many conservatives think he has betrayed them. Many people like to think (incorrectly) that his rating are low because all those people that give him a thumbs down are wanting a more liberal government. This isn't so.

IMO, the general population is still very much right of center and this is why McCain is holding his own right now. Also, anyone that has followed politics even a little bit knows McCain is nothing like Bush. McCain is a true centrist right to his core. I would prefer someone more conservative than him but when given a choice between McCain and Obama the choice for me is very easy. McCain wins hands down. I shudder to think what the Supreme Court would look like after eight years of Obama in the White house. We would be well on our way to being a full blown socialist society. Then the things that made, and make, this country great would be lost.

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Michael Johnson
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Michael Johnson

Calling Fox News FauOX doesn't make me think you are in the middle. ;)

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Michael Johnson

werd.... :-P

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Exactly, of all that I've seen it is the least biased available. Although for the record I watch these extremely rarely. I've mostly abandoned national news for the obvious reasons.

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Back in 2000 the Republicans/Bush campaign was telling us his years as a POW made him mentally unstable. And we bought it. So now they're telling us he's the best choice they/we have?

And the Democrats are the demons...

Liberal. Find a Websters. Gotta love how the Republicans repackage words.

Ever listen to Bush? And we elected his dumb ass. And McCain's speaking prowess borders on an awkward monotone 6th grader delivering his first ever speech in front of a school assembly. In comparison, Obama is light years ahead of these two.

And tune in tomorrow for more of the "fair and balanced" O'Reilley Factor...

You don't think McCain is being run by major players behind the scenes? The Bush machine is hard at work, my friend.

What the Republicans need is to debate is another Terry Schiavo case... spend a couple months talking about that to collect some more religious votes.

You should know my opinion on this one by now.

As opposed to 8 years of the radical righties?

And why is that? Because the radical righties ran us into a ditch?

Hell, we were stupid enough to vote in George W, twice.

And why is Obama being branded an elitist? Because he was focused and worked his ass off to get to/through law school? Trust me, my son just graduated from a big name school, and I saw the commitment/hard work it took. (And my son is far from an elitist now. In fact he's spending, almost donating, the next year working in an inner city charter high school working with kids who would have dropped out.) But somehow a drunken spoiled rich kid -- George W -- gets branded a good ol' cowboy and gets elected to two terms. Gotta love politics!

A "centrist candidate" is a more liberal government.

I think it's because the Bush campaign machine is kicking in. They're working overtime to brand Obama:

An elitist

A scary Muslim

A scary "liberal"

A hater of America

Unknown commodity

That's their keys to victory.

And thank God for that!

The Republicans have been losing pieces of our great country for years. And I'd have a hard time rewarding their incompetence with a election victory.


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Which will lower the price a bit thus causing the demand to go up. And we're back full circle.

High gas prices are sure to drive the search for alternatives -- hopefully stoking the American ingenuity.

I don't think either is an idiot. Barack sure didn't graduate with top honors from Columbia and Harvard by being stupid. And McCain has been around the block more than a few times to know how things work.


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NoOption5L wrote in news:

No, we're back to the America's middle class not having to go to food banks.

Today's fuel prices are at the point where the cost of daily items has risen beyond the middle class family's ability to pay for them. Gas prices need to come down to the point where the middle class can remain the middle class.

Patrick, that's absurd. As long as oil and energy companies continue to make money (which they still are), they will never look seriously at alternative sources of fuel.

That said, there are individuals and smaller groups looking for alternatives, but the "American ingenuity", as you put it, certainly isn't found in the current crop of oil and energy companies.

They're not idiots in the true sense of the word - they're idiots in that they really think they are bringing solutions to the table, when all they're bringing is rhetoric and bullshit.


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Those in control now (and those soon to be in control) are all fools, in that they are pushing the American public beyond the breaking point, and the American public is not going to take it anymore. We're rapidly getting to that point.

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Yep :0) That killed my desire :0) LOL

In 1962, my parents had a VW bug. We lived on Cape Cod, MA. With my brother and sister, all our luggage on the roof rack, mom's three cats. we traveled to dad's next duty station... Hurlburt Field (Ft Walton Beach), FL. After a robbery in NYC outside the Museum of Natural History, all the luggage was gone. One cat died enroute. But the rest of us survived the trip.

Of course, we still don't speak to each other today! (j/k)

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This is the whole problem with mass populations. Two-dimensional thinking.

I thought by now we would be beyond the black-and-white, Republican-Democrat, Ford-Chevy, AOL-restoftheinternet, man-woman, us-them kind of mindset.

Sure, it's much easier to break all of humanity down into two camps, so we can clearly dilineate what separates the right-thinking from the wrong-thinking, but far too many of us insist on straddling lines.

While the fringe on one side hurl epithets at the fringe on the other side, the vast bulk of us sit here somewhere in between asking the eternal question, "What the f*ck?"


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Most of us have moved beyond that point. I guess what comes with that is apathy for forcing change to eliminate what remains along the edges. It is discouraging to see less than 20-30% of the population make the other 70-80% miserable. IMO, the only thing that will unite us as a species is for a group of big, bad aliens to descend upon us with the intent of annihilation. Even then there will be a few of us that will side with the aliens and I bet they will be the politicians.

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Michael Johnson


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Heh, ever seen the old TV show "The Invaders" ??

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I was thinking along the lines of Independence Day.

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Michael Johnson

Just caught this one. It certainly sounds like you're advocating the idea that there are some of us MORE equal than others.

Smacks of Animal Farm.

Scott W.

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Scott W.

=46rom Wiki.

Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988 and at the end of his first year was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review based on his grades and a writing competition.[17] In his second year he was elected president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the law review's staff of 80 editors.[18] Obama's election in February 1990 as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review was widely reported and followed by several long, detailed profiles.[18] He graduated with a J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991 and returned to Chicago where he had worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley & Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.

Obama directed Illinois Project Vote from April to October 1992, a voter registration drive with a staff of 10 and 700 volunteers that achieved its goal of registering 150,000 of 400,000 unregistered African Americans in the state, leading Crain's Chicago Business to name Obama to its 1993 list of "40 under Forty" powers to be.[21][22]

In 1993 Obama joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a 12-attorney law firm specializing in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development, where he was an associate for three years from

1993 to 1996, then of counsel from 1996 to 2004, with his law license becoming inactive in 2002.[11][24]

Obama was a founding member of the board of directors of Public Allies in 1992, resigning before his wife, Michelle, became the founding executive director of Public Allies Chicago in early 1993.[11][25] He served on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, which in 1985 had been the first foundation to fund Obama's DCP, from 1993=96

2002, and served on the board of directors of The Joyce Foundation from 1994=962002.[11] Obama served on the board of directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge from 1995=962002, as founding president and chairman of the board of directors from 1995=961999.[11] He also served on the board of directors of the Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the Center for Neighborhood Technology, and the Lugenia Burns Hope Center.

Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996, succeeding State Senator Alice Palmer as Senator from the 13th District, which then spanned Chicago South Side neighborhoods from Hyde Park-Kenwood south to South Shore and west to Chicago Lawn.[26] Once elected, Obama gained bipartisan support for legislation reforming ethics and health care laws.[27] He sponsored a law increasing tax credits for low- income workers, negotiated welfare reform, and promoted increased subsidies for childcare.[28] In 2001, as co-chairman of the bipartisan Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, Obama supported Republican Governor Ryan's payday loan regulations and predatory mortgage lending regulations aimed at averting home foreclosures,[29] and in 2003, Obama sponsored and led unanimous, bipartisan passage of legislation to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they detained and legislation making Illinois the first state to mandate videotaping of homicide interrogations.

And now, at just age 46, is running for President of the United States. Yep, no ambition, no drive... what a slacker.

Correct. As long as the fossil fuels can just undercut the price of any developing alternatives.

Agreed. But the point is we're not going to drill ourselves to independence. Supply goes up, price goes down, alternatives take a back seat.

An interesting article.

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That doesn't happen when oil is cheap. Hell, the recent surge in prices didn't really change habits until we neared the 4-buck-a-gallon mark.

We have an addiction to oil, but be keep resorting to feeding it.

Some unrelated to your post, but related to this thread info.

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Kick a dog (or voter) enough times and he'll either cower in fear, bite, or give up and take it every time it comes.

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There are a huge number of voters, IMO, that are waiting for a decent third party or independent candidate. The tide against the two party system is rising and there are circumstances just off the horizon that will be the catalyst to bring about a true independent movement. The pending baby boom retirement is one, the inaction on a coherent national energy plan is another and the increasing instances of politicians thinking they are royalty (John Edwards is the latest example) are going to bring about a slow mutiny in the next 10-20 years. Or at least I hope it will.

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Michael Johnson

When I see a statistic at this point in the campaign season that there are still something like 11% UNDECIDED...

Yeah, I think some of us are more equal than others. What kind of a drooling moron do you have to be to not make up your mind between the two viable candidates?


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You need to look at the reality behind the resume-speak puffery of Obama's carefully-tailored Wikipedia bio.

I concede that he had a distinguished career at Harvard Law. But his choice of summer jobs, and the absence of any post-graduate judicial clerkships -- which he certainly could have had for the asking, includng on the U.S. Supreme Court -- are red-flag raisers. This lack of distinction is glaringly inconsistent with his acheivement in law school. What does it mean? I don't know, but it's odd.

Seven months managing a get-out-the-vote effort. Big deal. A population of 400,000 targets, and he reached 38% of them. Big deal.

710 people register an average of 710 people in seven months -- a hundred people per worker pre month. Three per day. Big deal.

Extremely small potatoes. Totally inconsistent with someone with Obama's educational credentials. Also, "Of Counsel" means, by defintion, someone who's rarely doing any actual legal work; a name that looks good on the letterhead. Usually a retired attorney. Obama: retired from the private sector at age 34. Yeah that sounds right. Also conspicuous by its absence in the three years when he was supposed to be a practicing attorney is any mention of any significant litigation or other accomplishments. Totally a clockwatcher experience.

OK great, he founded a something-or-other then turned it over to his wife in less than one year. Whatever.


Again, whatever.

Obama served on the board of directors of the

Obama creates another something-or-other, and guess what he's the boss. Whatever.

He also served

More resume building. Do you even know what a member of the board of a non-profit does? I would be surprised if Obama even read any staff reports, much less that he actually got his hands dirty and accomplished anything.

That doesn't sound like a lot for seven or eight years in office.

Also, did you edit out any reference to The Rev. Wright, or was it Wikipedia?

Obama's resume, thick on the number of entries but lacking much substance at all, shows plenty of ambition, but no accomplishment, dedication or sacrifice. Nothing but self-gratification. I think the slacker shoe fits quite well.

You ducked the main question: what are the advantages of blocking the exploitation of our own resources?

"Independence" is categorically impossible. It's a world market. If our domestic oil is cheaper to produce than foreign oil, it will merely affect the global price. It will never happen that 100% of what is produced here is used here, or that 100% of what is used here is produced here. What would be the purpose of such isolationism anyway?

Well duh. My 3-legged stool describes the supply and demand forces which produce the retail price. If the retail price is acceptable, why would you want to change anything?

"Addiction" is a stupid word and ought to be banned from the discussion. Our modern life requires energy. Energy requires the consumption of oil. Our modern life is a wonderful thing. Why change it?

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