New GT pictures added

Nice try, Limp Rick. You think you're the ace checker-upper, and you missed the JFK, RFK, MLK, and Princess Diana assassinations. 9/11, too. I'm still surprised no one saw my 'chute as I bailed out over

42nd Street. I've confessed to all of them, it's all out there, a quick Google away, and you missed them all.

To steer the exchange back to reality, all my conclusions about your past are based on what you yourself have posted -- and HAVEN'T posted

-- in 12,800 newsgroup posts. That's right, that's the hit count you get if you Google Groups search for "Author -- Cobrajet." Almost

13,000 posts, and I have never seen in one of them a reference to you (a) having a job, (b) driving anything other than a Honda or a 2-ton 281 ci taxicab, or (c) working on any project (other than your current Torino drag car, that it's taken you six months to tear down the motor). So what you're saying is someone who's spent the past six years baring his soul and every other part in this newsgroup and in ahpbbfm has somehow never managed to write about a single current on-topic experience, even though he was having them daily. Yeah, right.

So hang around for another 20 years, Limp Rick. Lord knows you've got nothing better to do. Just spare us the "persona," OK? Stick with the facts and everyone will get along just fine. Sure the facts are pathetic, but that's OK too. An unemployed emotionally stunted middle-aged gas bag with 30 old cars rotting to nothingness because he's too lazy to do anything with them -- what's not to like?

180 Out TS 28
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That company was recently revived, but the new owners are severe Thumpers. Hence, I do not buy any of the re-issues. But I do have several of the originals, including a Marlin and the '70 Rebel Machine.

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CobraJet wrote in news:100320051934371948% snipped-for-privacy@streetracer.sfv:

Neat pic on their page - the Chrysler Turbine IIRC. Now the Rebel Machine wasn't too shabby in its day, even though it should've been made earlier than '70. Mid 14s in the 1/4 off the showroom floor:

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That link also claims that contrary to popular belief, the '64 GTO wasn't the first muscle car - that title is credited to the '57 Rambler Rebel with a Nash 327 V8. Interesting.

Joe Calypso Green '93 5.0 LX AOD hatch with a few goodies Black '03 Dakota 5.9 R/T CC

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I'm glad you finally used that word, reality. Let's see if you can tell us what makes you tick. You came into the BB with deliberate disruption in mind; spouting off about Shelbys being rice and all that shit. You failed to draw me into the debacle, but your go-around with Jason proved nothing other than you've adopted the dog-chases-tail style that Patrick favors so much.

So then you thought you'd take me on over here, and likewise have been reduced to spouting bullshit that nobody believes or even cares about. And you play tag-team with your twin Patrick. By now the two of you should realize that your nonsense will have no effect on what I do or say.

The most important question materializes: what exactly are you trying accomplish? This is obviously eating away at your soul, as no person in his right mind would cop to sitting at work and reading

13,000 posts from another person just so he could skew a bunch of lies. Do you not realize how people here are viewing you? Is your present situation *that* frustrating? At what point, and for what reason, did I get under your skin?

I know you'll sidestep these questions, but take a moment in your haze and see how that will look. Think of all the other people who do not "bare their souls" in a world-wide forum like this. Think of them laughing over you trying to enforce that concept.

Nah, there's something more to it. This has gone beyond reason, so answer: what exactly are you trying to accomplish? You too, Patrick.

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I tend to attribute that title to the '57 F-code Fairlane. A 312 with a blower would certainly outrun the Rebel.

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CobraJet wrote in news:100320052051148450% snipped-for-privacy@streetracer.sfv:

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> hineArticl e.html>>

Ah, but was the blower factory?

Joe Calypso Green '93 5.0 LX AOD hatch with a few goodies Black '03 Dakota 5.9 R/T CC

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Ah, but of course, or I wouldn't be referring to it as an F-code.

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CobraJet wrote in news:110320050939202172% snipped-for-privacy@streetracer.sfv:

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> >> hineArticl e.html>> >>

Very cool. I had no idea that a blown 312 existed back then. "Horsepower galore for checkered flag performance!", "...surging 300 horsepower!" Fabulous marketing back then.

BTW, I love the pix of the guys in white coats checking the engines. It's just so.. Americana.

Joe Calypso Green '93 5.0 LX AOD hatch with a few goodies Black '03 Dakota 5.9 R/T CC

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Psst. Don't tell William. One of those guys is me.

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