*HELP* rear speakers don't play with new stereo in Primera '94 (see pictures) (0/1)

Hi all,

I'm in need of some assistance.

I have bought a new stereo for my car. Upon removing the original one, I found weird cables and what not. However, nothing a plug to convert them into the ISO standard wouldn't fix... or so I thought.

Now everything works fine, except, the rear speakers won't play.... which is weird. In the pictures, you can see the nissan cables pluging into the ISO converter... the only thing that's weird to me is that the nissan has

5 cables for the rear speaker system and only four are in te ISO plug...

What am I not getting?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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go to google.com and type in these words

nissan stereo wiring

Then browse the results. I'm sure you'll find some help.

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