Re: {{ OT }} New success to complain about

jsb you must chuckle every time you get your lap dog whitless to agree with you. Don't you just feel a little bit embareassed?

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One of the first things an alcoholic must do is admit he is one. So when are you going to fess up jsb?

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Bill Clinton was never my hero, and at the only time I had a chance to vote for or against him, I voted against him and for Bob Dole and Jack Kemp. Choose your words more carefully, Dbu-bu.

Don't be so naive and wrong. Even before Clinton took action against terrorists or Saddam, the Republican leadership howled that he was using war as a diversion from his adultery or as an October surprise.

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larry moe 'n curly

You're so right in your beliefs that you didn't provide any substance. Your insult would have been much more convincing if you had.

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larry moe 'n curly

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larry moe 'n curly

How do you like being Scott's lap dog? You must have picked up quite a few fleas from him.

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larry moe 'n curly

I didn't change the subject, and I never change the facts.

History doesn't change just because you choose to remember something different.

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larry moe 'n curly

There would be no history of this country if it wasn't for the Bible. What the hell did they teach YOU in school?

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Tell me what you've learned from the bible about the past 50 years of American history. Give me an example.

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Are you going back as far as the early 1600's or are you referring to the late18th century?


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Cathy F.

He has no idea, Cathy. If you had a kid like golfboy in your school, who would you ask to evaluate him first? Audiologist? Special ed person?

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what do YOU read?

for me, its "leaves of grass"-walt whitman oxford japanese-english dictionary teach yourself japanese "the Foundation Trilogy"- Isaac Asimov kanji and kana (reading japanese)

i have read: all quiet on the western front- Erich Maria Remarques

1984- George Orwell various computer magazines (windows, macintosh) 2600: the hacker's quarterly many others.

i have also yet to start 'brave new world', though i am looking forward to it.

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i recommend to you a thorough reading of "the rise and fall of the third reich". then think of what similiar legislation and actions has crept into that of the US that are described in the book (i.e. 'Patriot Act'). Note in particular how WW2 Germany adapted the Patriotist flavour of the US, into their own Nationalist propoganda machine.

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I'd be surprised if you didn't know why I keep asking golf child what he reads.

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Ridiculous. Adultery has never prevented any of our presidents from carrying out their duties properly, an example being Bill Clinton received Lewinskys from Monica while he conversed on the phone about official matters, including with Yassir Arafat.

Also the Republican leadership wasn't at all concerned about Clinton not being able to lead the nation because they didn't want him to do that but instead but wanted to block him and the Democrats at every turn, and they were not above putting their interests ahead of the nation's..

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larry moe 'n curly

And we all know how effective THAT foreign "policy" was.

A nice, neat, convenient blame package.

"Clinton only dealt well with his "Lewinskys", while Rome burned due to the Senate's obstructionism."

Very nice.

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"received Lewinskys" That's rather disrespectful to Mr. Lewinsky, don't you think? I do remember him suing news organizations for using that term. You better hope someone armed with the Patriot Act doesn't forward your message to him.

Now take that paragraph you just wrote and substitute Republican for Democrat and Clinton for Bush. It is exactly the same way today except the roles are reversed. I guess that is the art of government.

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The subject was members of one party criticizing the president's war actions. Your example is about kneejerk Democrats automatically criticizing GW Bush over the recent attack in Somalia, mine is about kneejerk Republicans criticizing Clinton over attacking Saddam.

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larry moe 'n curly

Same in England and Oz.

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I hear they are beginning to arm the cops in London

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Mike hunt

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