OT Trouble in the hood!

Oh snap! I thought it was lightning outside. Turns out it was cops flashing lights around... I joked that "They've found me! I'm surrounded!" Then we looked out of the windows. We were surrounded. Eh? Pestered the wife to let me go outside to see what was up until she agreed or at least quit saying "NO!!!" Went out there and there were cops all parked up and down the road and one of them in my front yard all panting and puffing for breath. I could hear a police radio on one of the cars... I heard "We got 'em! We got 'em!!!" The pig..er...cop in my front yard ran for the nearest police cruiser and hopped in and before he could get the door shut, it took off down the road to get the "perp." As that car was taking off I heard another one from around the corner gun its motor. It came squealing around onto the street I live on, chasing the other cop down the road. WHOO HOO! Bust that sumbitch!!!!!!!!!! All of the door are now locked and we're "ready" in case someone decides they think they need to be inside of our house instead of outside of it. Stay tuned.... Or don't. I'll be here tomorrow. ;-)

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-- Scott

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Scott H

maybe the cops took him for brandishing a firearm?...LOL....drunken in public?..or maybe the "sumbitch" tried to come in and shaggie was arrested for "discharging a firearm in city limits"?.....hehe..im sure once bail is posted he will update us...LOL

------------------- Chris Perdue


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Chris Perdue

I got that put back together. Now if only I could find that shotgun...

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