Then you have the alignment off or have 'perfect' tires and components with no wear yet.

Driving like that is suicide up here in slush country, we get the death wobble from slush or snow sticking to rims and that is with 'good' stabilizers.


Tom Green>

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Mike Romain
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L.W.( ßill ) Hughes III

Well I'll have to take it on faith from the alignment shop that it was done properly. How much wear the components have is hard to say. Everything is still tight with no slop so I guess you could say the wear is minimal. Then again, if you've got big tires and wobble problems along with a bunch of sloppy worn out front end components, it's hardly fair to call it a tire/stabilizer problem.

All I can tell you is my experience. I haven't had a stabilizer for a couple years now and never missed it when it came off.

Reply to
Tom Greening

Ah yes, the same gentleman who could sit in his easy chair and try to dictate to me that MY truck couldn't possibly have a 4-pin flat trailer connector on it, straight from the factory.

The stabilizer was removed due to it's demise at the hands of Trail #9 at Tellico, along with the front tie rod and drag link. Two of the 3 were trail salvaged with the help of some angle iron and a BFH. What exactly is your point? I've replaced exactly one steering box, and that was by choice, not necessity. I guess if the ability to get around or over most obstacles rather than bash my way through them makes me a poser, guilty as charged. You aren't one of those guys that thinks a "real" jeepers' trail skill begins and ends with the ability to mash the skinny pedal to the floor and hang on are you?

My 79 Ford F-105 had a stabilizer on it too. What's your point with the Daimler reference?

And for the record, my '79 QT CJ with a totally unmodified suspension lived just fine without a stabilizer .

I made a nice civil reply to Mikes' post, doing nothing more than stating an alternate view, and you feel the need to jump in with accusations, innuendos, and plain old insults. I don't need it chief.

Reply to
Tom Greening

Reply to
L.W.( ßill ) Hughes III

Still with the insults eh Bill? Is that the only way you know to carry on a conversation when someone contradicts you? Either way, whether you apologized or not makes no difference because it doesn't change the fact that then, just as now, you are butting in with an insulting manner.

The box on the F-150 (attention to detail, my bust) outlasted numerous sets of tires, one transfer case, and much abuse ranging from the desert and dunes around southern california to the backwoods logging trails of northern maine. The stabilizer itself gave up the ghost in a mudhole by the river outside of yuma arizona.

It really would be nice if you would stop trying to tell me I'm full of sh*t about gear I've owned/worked on for years and you've never laid eyes on.

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L.W.( ßill ) Hughes III

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L.W.( ßill ) Hughes III

Oh please, is that the best you can come up with? How about at least making a case for your argument because so far you've said absolutely nothing, other than sling around insults. Nothing you've said has had any real content what-so-ever. Maybe you should get into politics because you're doing a great job of talking without saying anything of any use.

I drove that truck for approximately 2 years minus its' stabilizer and never noticed it's lack at all. I've driven my CJ for about the same amount of time, every damn day, and I've noticed it's lack just about as much. Maybe if you could at least attempt to back up your blather with some facts as to why I'm a driving time bomb I'd be more apt to lend some credence to what you're saying. So far I've stated three vehicular examples that have existed just fine sans stabilizer and all you've done is, well, not much of anything except babble on in an insulting manner.

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formatting link
There you go, happy now? I must apologize for the lack of F-150 pictures. What pictures I may have had of that particular vehicle have not survived the passage of time, relocations, divorce, or sale. Please excuse me for the inconvenience.

What next? Should I drop my pants so we can compare the family tackle?

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L.W.( ßill ) Hughes III

Reply to
L.W.( ßill ) Hughes III

There you go running your mouth about MY gear when you don't know Jack or his partner about it. I have NO idea what you are babbling about when you say "shield", and the only reason it was removed was because I smashed it flat at Tellico, as I stated earlier. And just so you can add a "little" bit of info to your decidely lacking supply, that IS in fact a standard off the shelf stearing stabilizer purchased from 4WDH and not a shock being run horizontally. Try again Bill, try again.

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Reply to
L.W.( ßill ) Hughes III

You really are fishing aren't you? If you could tell me exactly WHY I should do that, when everything works just fine as is, I might consider it. Other than that, it's late, I'm going to bed, and you have totally bored me to death tonight. Maybe between now and when I wake up you will have had the time to study every photo in my library to see if you can find SOMEthing you can try to nail me with. You really are starting to appear as a sad, juvenile old man. Nighty night.....

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Reply to
L.W.( ßill ) Hughes III

I guess I'll just let the content of that post speak for itself and let this useless thread die its' much deserved death.

Reply to
Tom Greening

I would say the shop guys or the folks that lined up the spring over were wizards to get it that stable with no tire burn.

My CJ7's front end was all replaced in 2000, but I have YJ shackles on so that tosses 'my' alignment out which likely makes mine more twitchy or prone to the wobble.

I know it sure doesn't take a lot of ice or mud on the wheels before I need to stop and clean them....


Tom Green>

Reply to
Mike Romain

Don't get me wrong, I get uneven wear for sure, but nothing unexpected or excessive and damn sure nothing worse than any other 4X4 I've owned. If my wheels get packed with mud or snow I'll also get a handful of vibration, but I have never ever gotten anything that could be considered "death wobble", not even remotely. When/if that happens I make sure to clean out the rims and end of vibration.

Now way back about 1981 I went to purchase a truck when I was living in Cali and THAT bad boy did have a serious case. So bad that when the shimmy started it would progress to the point that the entire front end of the truck would get airborne one side at a time. Drivers' side up in the air and BAM, hit the ground then the passenger side the same way, rinse / repeat. Scared the living beejeezus out of me the first time it occurred. I REALLY wanted that truck so I tried my best to figure it out without dropping any serious coin but never did. Looking back I'd say it had something to do with the lift and probably the improper execution thereof, but at the time I didn't really know boo about the mechanics of it all. Bummed me out to give it back to the dealer but such is life.

I did the SOA myself and took pains allow for proper pinion angles and caster and such. I "tried" to get away with a standard driveshaft in the rear but it vibrated like nobodies business so I had to bust out the blue tip wrench, relocate the perches and then pony up the greenbacks for a CV style rear shaft. Live and learn.

Reply to
Tom Greening

IN LIFE WE EITHER GROW UP OR WE GET OLDER. The insults and grammar lessons and the politician just got OLD. Thanks to the felluz who gave a young buck like me some serious advice. As for the insults? Who has time for that? After reading the posts i cant figure out why someone would sit there posting insults to some good ol boys just trying to fix thier rigs. Stabilizers im sure work great, but mine never prevented the death wobble- meaning the problem lies elsewhere. In theory, if all is well on the front end, the stabilizer isnt very necessary, more like a luxury , like power steering over manual- all Luxuries. HOWEVER, i do no consider a safe vehicle a luxury, an right now driving it has become an unsafe laborious task, a full time job, not a pleasure. Kind of like this thread. MY JEEP IS CAUSING ME ENOUGH STRESS, the law is causing me STRESS, BUT NOT SOMEONE SNIPPING PETTY INSULTS FROM THIER EASY CHAIR. ENJOY THE CAPS!! LIFE IS TOO SHORT, and id rather be wheeling!!

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