{OT} Self fulfilling prphecy?

"Illegimati Non Carborundum" "Don't let the illegitimates grind you" Your figurative translation is correct! ;)

It was my class motto!!

Yeah, too much for right now.

RN, eh? There was a woman at work who's husband gave up Mechanical Engineering to become a nurse, and got a raise in pay!!

My Mom was a nurse from 1942 until just a couple years ago (she finally gave up the Registration). She sees nurses striking on TV and groans.

They weren't paid crap back in her day, and she thinks it's digusting seeing nurses strike with what they make today! Training was like boot camp or an indoctrination; lights out at 10, back to the 'barracks' by 7.

Even when she worked at the Hospital, she didn't have free healthcare!!!

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Vash The Stampede
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I was Tech Support for a number of years.

Maybe if I learned to say "Thank you for calling Microsoft, how may I be HELPING you today" with a funny accent I might get hired somewhere!

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Vash The Stampede

Um, I was SORT of being facetious. BUT, every time there is NO WORK in the area where I live, it's when Democrats are in power. And if I have a good job, when Democrats take over I get laid off.


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Vash The Stampede

Yeah! What he said!

I was talking to my Mom about it and she said, "they've only been in power a couple days!" and I said, they aren't yet. Business is just gearing up in advance.

Why do you say that, she says.


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Vash The Stampede

The Unemployed and the Welfare recipients, rejoice!

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Vash The Stampede

But, it's a New Day in Washington!

Laws aren't written in stone, you know.

Why do you think the Democrat's biggest worry when there is a Republican President and a Supreme Court Justice retires, and the BIGGEST QUESTION anyone can conjure up for the nominee is "What is his stance on Roe v. Wade?"

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Vash The Stampede

He called me later and kept saying, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!!!

We got along well, and filled each others gaps in knowledge.

Hey! Been here before!

Northern Maine?!?! A Lumber mill close down or something?!?! ;)

And, uh, Where's those Supra parts!!!! ;)

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Vash The Stampede

We might be talking about different things. I was referring to dot com businesses. No brick and mortar establishments. It was a good trip but just nothing there. I'm surprised Google is doing as well as it is. That balloon will burst someday too.

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LOL...not really...

Would you believe they are in the mail.... ;-)

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Scott in Florida

I don't think so. They're too ensconced at this point in time

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Vash The Stampede

Actually, I was thinking about this earlier.

Make them "Hachiroku' parts!!!

Reply to
Vash The Stampede

oops....I sent them to your old employer....


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Scott in Florida

She works for a fairly large outfit (CHW). I remember some years ago that the checkers at Safeway were going on strike and then they made more than her as an RN! Now wages are good.

As a retired Fed, I carry her on my Blue Cross plan cause its better than the hospital plan and can be carried after she retires but total cost is 988 month (Rewtirement pay 640 some).

The hospital deductible is 1000 vs 250 for mine for about same cost and the co-pay is higher on hospital plan I believe.

RN's in Bay area I understand are at about $100k/year or about what a CHP officer makes after training / few years (according to their website)

Hope all goes okay with you

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Whoa! Nice way to give your employees a 'discount'!

Hmmm...maybe this isn't a bad thing. My health plan has paid very little. I do get free 'scripts, tho...

I ain't EVEN going to tell my Mom that!!!

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Vash The Stampede

If the dimmies have their way and furnish your health plan to everyone do you think your premiums will go up? By how much, percent?

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In round numbers my plan is $12000 year AND there is a deductible and at least 5% co-pay on every service.

So for her, we probably avg another 1500/year in ded/copay.

If the 30million figure Dems use as uninsured would equal 15 million to get family plan that would be 180 billion a year.

As most of us know, if you don't pay for something and someone else pays for your co-pays, utilization would be thru the roof so I'd guess premiums would go up.

I've also heard 50 million un or under insured - a big cost that even the oil companies or microsofts excess profits can't cover.

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Sorry to hear about that.

I'm holding my breath. We have a total DemonRat government control here in Illinois now. Taxes are going to go UP. Services are going to go down except for the welfare cheats. Then they wonder why I refer to it as the Peoples Soviet Socialist Respublik of Illinois.

I've got a 4 year degree, myself, but learned a lot more at the UHK. (That's the University of Hard Knocks for you people out in Rio Linda.)

Charles of Schaumburg

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Just the reverse for me. I used to work for a strong company that never even considered a mass layoff until the economy started sucking shortly after Dubya was "elected."

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Bend over....it is coming again....

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Scott in Florida

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