New and improved chicken coop

Really well, thanks for asking. Both chickens we have so far (Ann and Betsy) walk up and down the ramp into and out of the coop/run and seem to enjoy themselves out there. The feeder and the waterer we have should be enough to feed/water at least 4 chickens a day with only one refill per day so that will work out since we can refill them when we check for the eggs. I thought the little kids would enjoy the chickens the most but actually the oldest one (evil step-daughter #1) seems to like them more than the little kids. We had her and her boyfriend go out there tonight to be sure "the girls" got into the coop for the night and got locked up. I mean that the chickens got locked up. heh heh Kim (my wife) worked on the coop some yesterday and added a roost inside the coop and a stepped-ladder kind of coop the outside and also put more trim on the coop. Oh, and Kathleen (evil step-daughter #1 I mentioned earlier) helped out. I've got about $20 to get by on until payday this Friday but then we're gonna go pick up a couple more chickens. We'll see how it goes. As always, stay tuned... :-)

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cut out all the extra work, take that 20 dollars and head to KFC....

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Joey Tribiani


Good to hear. You must have a small waterer. If you were closer I would give you some more chickens. We enjoy kicking back and watching the birds interact. I know it sounds a little strange but try it sometime. They enjoy socializing. Have you got nest boxes setup in the coop ?


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The waterer holds only one gallon. So far the two chickens we have are only drinking maybe a pint of water a day between the two of them but it's cold outside and they're still young so I'm guessing by the time we have 4 full-grown chickens that they may very well go through a gallon of water a day during the summer at least. Yeah, I went out there the day we put the chickens in the coop and drank a beer while I watched them walk around. They followed me as I walked around their enclosure like they enjoy being around people. We have one nesting box in the coop so far. They're still too young to lay so they're just kind of ignoring it for the most part so far. We're gonna pick up a "double" nesting box when we go back to get 2 more chickens this weekend. So we'll have 3 nesting places and 4 chickens. That should work for now.

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> > > > The doorway so we can clean it out and get them fresh food/water:=
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> > > > Shot showing how the top is also covered with the welded wire> > > > > fencing. =A0Nothing's gonna get in or out of this thing unless we= want

You can make a nesting box with just about anything. Some of our neighbors had some old plastic milk crates and just set those on their side and tossed in a little hay. Chickens don't care. Just keep them cleaned out every so often and watch out for snakes that crawl up in them. I hate it when that happens. Had to pull a

6ft black snake out of a nesting box once. Small coppehead out another time.


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