Jeep Grand Cherokee headlights

Well, seven years ago we were in Dallas, Texas. But if you mean the seven years in Europe, we were in Mainz, Baumholder, and Heidelberg, Germany. But travelled to France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, even drove the car to the Calais-Dover Ferry, and drove through England.

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L.W.( ßill ) Hughes III

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L.W.( ßill ) Hughes III

Yup. In fact we retired from Dallas to the Sierra Nevada, and like you say, it's a short trip to a beach or a mountain. Your pic of Baumholder reminds me that the old German barracks are still there but transferred back from the US to German units! But I don't know why you say the trees are not alive. Maybe there was some insect damage when you were there, but they were all growing when I left!

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L.W.( ßill ) Hughes III

I'd like people to know that I don't like American cities either. I grew up close to Boston, I spent lots of time in New York and Seattle, and the one time I went to L.A. it just gave me the willies. There are places here I like, but I have already moved all my stuff to Silverton, and bought the empty lot next to mine, to keep Californicators and Texans from building there. :-) (Although to be fair, the latest wave of refugees seems to be from Indiana, Missouri, places like that, that I always used to think of as rural too.)

Do they laugh a lot, when you say "pedacito"?


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Earle Horton

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L.W.( ßill ) Hughes III

"Poquito". (Pronounced "poe-kee-toe" because of insane Spanish spelling rules.) If you ask for "pedacito" in the wrong settings, it is hard to tell what you are going to get.

I have a new lawn now, but the neighbors don't care. They use the proper term for it, "wildflowers". ;o)


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Earle Horton

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