OT - What's up with the Big Dig?

That's just plain stupid.

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HAHAHAHAHAHA. That's why all the Generals are so pissed.

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Bravery is sending other people off to die in a useless war. LOL

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Then what do you call the party running the state of Californication?

Charles of Schaumburg

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Based on what I've been seeing, that means that their job is simply to spend money.

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Stuart Krivis

We "won" Korea?

I guess I must be imagining all of the incidents with N Korea lately.

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Stuart Krivis

So you always supported the troops no matter what mission they were on in your lifetime? If so, does that mean you supported every military mission ever started by any president?

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I did not know LBJ a republican ;)

mike hunt

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Mike Hunter

You mean like JFK? ;)


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Mike Hunter

More like LBJ,RMN,GWB

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You know, if you quite top posting, I may have a clue as to what you are replying to.

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For sure, Demhooligans!

Like I told Scott, even the Conservatives here are Liberal!

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LOL! Did you listen to Howie today?! It was almost all press confcerences with Amorello and, moslty, Mitt. I really cracked up when a reporter if Romney was going to try to have Matt removed, and Romney replied, "I look forward to working closely with Matt..." ROFLMAO!!! I would LOVE to be in one of THOSE 'work' sessions!!!

But, the Governor DID get any further work/review of the tunnel under the auspicies of the Executive Branch, which means HE now controls what goes on there!

And, they are in the process of removing ALL the concrete panels. I guess it turns out they were there as a 'plenum', to allow the free movement and exchange of air. One caller to Howie yesterday said they could have used galvenized courregated steel. In a perfect worls, this might have made sense, but in this tunnel, we would have been combining exhaust gasses with Salt Water...

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LOL! Did you listen to Howie today?! It was almost all press confcerences with Amorello and, moslty, Mitt. I really cracked up when a reporter if Romney was going to try to have Matt removed, and Romney replied, "I look forward to working closely with Matt..." ROFLMAO!!! I would LOVE to be in one of THOSE 'work' sessions!!!

But, the Governor DID get any further work/review of the tunnel under the auspicies of the Executive Branch, which means HE now controls what goes on there!

And, they are in the process of removing ALL the concrete panels. I guess it turns out they were there as a 'plenum', to allow the free movement and exchange of air. One caller to Howie yesterday said they could have used galvenized courregated steel. In a perfect worls, this might have made sense, but in this tunnel, we would have been combining exhaust gasses with Salt Water...

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LOL! Did you listen to Howie today?! It was almost all press confcerences with Amorello and, moslty, Mitt. I really cracked up when a reporter if Romney was going to try to have Matt removed, and Romney replied, "I look forward to working closely with Matt..." ROFLMAO!!! I would LOVE to be in one of THOSE 'work' sessions!!!

But, the Governor DID get any further work/review of the tunnel under the auspicies of the Executive Branch, which means HE now controls what goes on there!

And, they are in the process of removing ALL the concrete panels. I guess it turns out they were there as a 'plenum', to allow the free movement and exchange of air. One caller to Howie yesterday said they could have used galvenized courregated steel. In a perfect worls, this might have made sense, but in this tunnel, we would have been combining exhaust gasses with Salt Water...

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We were basically fighting a stalemate and losing soldiers for nothing for the better part of 1952. Ike at least got the other side to agree to a proper armistice. For the last 50 years South Korea has been free to develop into the industrial arsenal that it is now. N. Korea is as dangerous as it is thanks to your F***ing hero Bill Clinton. Had we delt with the problem properly in 1994, we wouldn't be here today. You damn Liberals are all liars. If not to others, then to yourselves, covering up the faults of your hero Bill "I didn't inhale" Clinton, who should be tried for TREASON and given the appropriate punishment, rather than being honored as some kind of leftist saint. He's not even close. I had to survive over a decade of him ruining Arkansas while I lived there.

We didn't even try in Vietnam after 1972. As soon as the North started pouring over the border in '74, we left the South to its fate, something we did not do in Korea, at least not yet, but with you f***ing coward liberals around, we may still. And that's the sound of my Dad and several other thousand Korean vets turning over in their graves at even the thought of that happening.

Charles of Schaumburg

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Few people on the coast have noticed, but Democrat governor Ron Blagojevich (D-Mell) has been accused of misuse of the Governor's office in ways similar to his now-convicted predecessor. . . .

Charles of Schaumburg

My apartment building is going condo. That's where they con you out of your dough. . . . Now that the great condo boom is over, they want to get in on it. . . .

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Yes I did.

Wall to Wall Big Dig....

...and to think my family used that damned thing TWICE when I picked up my son returning from Korea.

Howie really is a treasure. He knows how to throw turds in the punch bowl...

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Scott in Florida

I believe if my old memory is right, our democrat congress cut off funding for the vietnam war, then president Ford had no choice but to pull out everything and that is what started the final thrust of the NVA into South Vietnam. Had the great democrat congress not elected to cut and run we may very well bombed the NVA into oblivion. The same scenario will act out again in Iraq IF the dimmies should be so lucky as to gain control of congress in the fall, let us hope and pray they don't. The dimmiewits do not act responsibly.

Thankyou dimmiewits for loosing the vietnam war for us who served and died there. For your actions we now think our losses were in vain and a waste. A fine way to treat your brave military.

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