BP/AMOCO pipeline rant--semi OT

But 'We' are the government. I still stand by what I said. My head is not in the sand, and it will still speak out what is true and what I feel is right. That's all. No need to agree or disagree. 'We' have sold our responsibilities as citizens to people who do not represent what we are electing them for. 'We' have noone to blame but ourselves for putting people into office based on our own greed and payola schedules. To suddenly interject Nazi's is a cheap methodology of debate. Trust an elected official? Now THAT is funny...and terrifying. Our government has screwed up the energy system way past irrational. The government should stay the heck out of it. The government should follow the constitution and work for the citizens, not the other way around. Jeff

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Jeff Rice
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DQoiSmVmZiBSaWNlIiA8ZGVlcG5ob2NrTk9TUEFITUBjb3gubmV0PiB3cm90ZSBpbiBtZXNzYWdl IG5ld3M6NDRkYjcwZjEkMCQyMzc0MSQ4ODI2MGJiM0BmcmVlLnRlcmFuZXdzLmNvbS4uLg0KPiBC dXQgJ1dlJyBhcmUgdGhlIGdvdmVybm1lbnQuDQo+IEkgc3RpbGwgc3RhbmQgYnkgd2hhdCBJIHNh aWQuDQo+IE15IGhlYWQgaXMgbm90IGluIHRoZSBzYW5kLCBhbmQgaXQgd2lsbCBzdGlsbCBzcGVh ayBvdXQgd2hhdCBpcyB0cnVlIGFuZCANCj4gd2hhdCBJIGZlZWwgaXMgcmlnaHQuDQo+IFRoYXQn cyBhbGwuDQo+IE5vIG5lZWQgdG8gYWdyZWUgb3IgZGlzYWdyZWUuDQo+ICdXZScgaGF2ZSBzb2xk IG91ciByZXNwb25zaWJpbGl0aWVzIGFzIGNpdGl6ZW5zIHRvIHBlb3BsZSB3aG8gZG8gbm90IA0K PiByZXByZXNlbnQgd2hhdCB3ZSBhcmUgZWxlY3RpbmcgdGhlbSBmb3IuDQo+ICdXZScgaGF2ZSBu b29uZSB0byBibGFtZSBidXQgb3Vyc2VsdmVzIGZvciBwdXR0aW5nIHBlb3BsZSBpbnRvIG9mZmlj ZSBiYXNlZCANCj4gb24gb3VyIG93biBncmVlZCBhbmQgcGF5b2xhIHNjaGVkdWxlcy4NCj4gVG8g c3VkZGVubHkgaW50ZXJqZWN0IE5hemkncyBpcyBhIGNoZWFwIG1ldGhvZG9sb2d5IG9mIGRlYmF0 ZS4NCj4gVHJ1c3QgYW4gZWxlY3RlZCBvZmZpY2lhbD8NCj4gTm93IFRIQVQgaXMgZnVubnkuLi5h bmQgdGVycmlmeWluZy4NCj4gT3VyIGdvdmVybm1lbnQgaGFzIHNjcmV3ZWQgdXAgdGhlIGVuZXJn eSBzeXN0ZW0gd2F5IHBhc3QgaXJyYXRpb25hbC4NCj4gVGhlIGdvdmVybm1lbnQgc2hvdWxkIHN0 YXkgdGhlIGhlY2sgb3V0IG9mIGl0Lg0KPiBUaGUgZ292ZXJubWVudCBzaG91bGQgZm9sbG93IHRo ZSBjb25zdGl0dXRpb24gYW5kIHdvcmsgZm9yIHRoZSBjaXRpemVucywgbm90IA0KPiB0aGUgb3Ro ZXIgd2F5IGFyb3VuZC4NCj4gSmVmZg0KPiANClVoLCB3ZSBlbGVjdCBwZW9wbGUgInRoZXkiIHdh bnQgdXMgdG8gZWxlY3QuICBUaGUgcmVhbCBkZWNpc2lvbnMgYXJlIG1hZGUgYnkgbG9iYnlpc3Rz ISAgVGhlIGJhbmUgb2YgYSBmcmVlIGRlbW9jcmFjeS4uLi4uLi4uLiEgIDgtKSANCg=

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Yes, but who allowed that kind of control? Slowly creeping in under the apathy of the citizenship lulled by goodies provided for them without them having earned them. And we are a republic and not a pure democracy. Jeff

"kar> Uh, we elect people "they" want us to elect. The real decisions are made

Reply to
Jeff Rice

Reply to
John Poulos

Reply to
John Poulos

That would scare Rick Courtier shitless!

"John Poulos" wrote...

Reply to
Jeff Rice

Here's the scoop:

formatting link
That would scare Rick Courtier shitless!

Reply to
John Poulos

The "they" in who "they want us to elect" is only an excuse. For most of us when we go into the voting booth nobody stands there and tells us who to vote for. WE have allowed the "they" to be who or what they are. We do have the power to elect responsible, honest people, but we have become very lazy and do little more than listen to the 15 second sound bites to give us all of our information. Do that and we give our power away. Take the initiative to look deeping into the issues and candidates and then make decision and we maintain our authority in this republic. Joe Roberts

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DQo8aXRyYXNlZWNhYkBhb2wuY29tPiB3cm90ZSBpbiBtZXNzYWdlIG5ld3M6MTE1NTI1ODI2Ny44 MjczMDYuMjY1NjEwQDc1ZzIwMDBjd2MuZ29vZ2xlZ3JvdXBzLmNvbS4uLg0KPiBUaGUgInRoZXki IGluIHdobyAidGhleSB3YW50IHVzIHRvIGVsZWN0IiBpcyBvbmx5IGFuIGV4Y3VzZS4gRm9yIG1v c3QNCj4gb2YgdXMgd2hlbiB3ZSBnbyBpbnRvIHRoZSB2b3RpbmcgYm9vdGggbm9ib2R5IHN0YW5k cyB0aGVyZSBhbmQgdGVsbHMgdXMNCj4gd2hvIHRvIHZvdGUgZm9yLiAgV0UgaGF2ZSBhbGxvd2Vk IHRoZSAidGhleSIgdG8gYmUgd2hvIG9yIHdoYXQgdGhleQ0KPiBhcmUuICBXZSBkbyBoYXZlIHRo ZSBwb3dlciB0byBlbGVjdCByZXNwb25zaWJsZSwgaG9uZXN0IHBlb3BsZSwgYnV0IHdlDQo+IGhh dmUgYmVjb21lIHZlcnkgbGF6eSBhbmQgZG8gbGl0dGxlIG1vcmUgdGhhbiBsaXN0ZW4gdG8gdGhl IDE1IHNlY29uZA0KPiBzb3VuZCBiaXRlcyB0byBnaXZlIHVzIGFsbCBvZiBvdXIgaW5mb3JtYXRp b24uIERvIHRoYXQgYW5kIHdlIGdpdmUgb3VyDQo+IHBvd2VyIGF3YXkuICBUYWtlIHRoZSBpbml0 aWF0aXZlIHRvIGxvb2sgZGVlcGluZyBpbnRvIHRoZSBpc3N1ZXMgYW5kDQo+IGNhbmRpZGF0ZXMg YW5kIHRoZW4gbWFrZSBkZWNpc2lvbiBhbmQgd2UgbWFpbnRhaW4gb3VyIGF1dGhvcml0eSBpbiB0 aGlzDQo+IHJlcHVibGljLg0KPiBKb2UgUm9iZXJ0cw0KPg0KWWVhaCwuLi5yaWdodC4

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management and crew

under, for one? according to NPR, the Alaska governor was on the radio today, and basically the state is SCREWED.. seems the tax/royality on that oil was 2/3rds of the states income.. and they are going to start laying off a LOT of state employees..


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I cannot fathom the fact that they had absolutely no backup facility(s).


Barry wrote:

Reply to
Grumpy AuContraire

So there is no problem and they are not shutting down the pipe at least for awhile? Damn them newspeople.

Reply to
Alex Magdaleno

Like I said, it's the result of " getting goverment off the back of business".

Reply to
Alex Magdaleno

Yes, there is a problem. Never disputed that at all. But this one is not new, but it is now the news item of choice. The timing of it is what makes me suspicious, not the problem itself. My soft headed point was that there is not a damned thing 'you' can do about corrosion in a pipe in Alaska. Getting all frazzled about it will not stop the corrosion. Neither can a 2 star government panel or commission. While not 'hiding my head in the sand' as Pat admonished, I won't weld without a helmet either. Jeff

"Alex Magdaleno" wrote...

Reply to
Jeff Rice

But what is new is the shutdown of the pipeline. There is no plot here by the news organinzations. And yes there is nothing "I" or "we" can do about it now but there sure as hell is a lot the goverment could do to prevent this in the future. To trust big business ( or big unions for that matter) to look out for the rest of us out of the goodness of their hearts is pure foolishness. Greed is part of human behavior and always has been. The fox should not guard the henhouse.

Reply to
Alex Magdaleno

(The pipeline has been shut down more than a few times in the past...Just not a long term shutdown) Yessir. Total agreement there (about trust in big business, or unions, or government). I think that deregulation may be good for prices at the consumer level, but deregulation to the point of no regulation brings out the ugly side of capitalism. Now inflation jumps back to the top of the list as the real cost of money worldwide gets shifted around... If you could have cheap bread, with none on the shelf, or a ton of bread that no one can afford... Heck of a juggling act. Jeff

"Alex Magdaleno" wrote...

Reply to
Jeff Rice

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